Friday, September 16, 2011

Who needs the truth any way???

     I have already explained, there is truth....absolute truth.  If people or a person have decided not to believe that truth, or decides to distort, twist, subjectively only use part of a truth.   Not much I can do about it. But there is truth.  Some questions, we do not yet have the answers for, however there is an answer and lets hope they humans continue to search.
           Mean while back on the planet, we have  politicians.   I must revert to sarcasm to express the frustration here, but it would appear that politicians , elected, appointed, taking the position in a coup, are genetically engineered to use all of the possible whys to tell a lie and avoid truth at all cost. 
        It has become very scary that we average people have come to expect them to lie. 
We offer excuses for them to explain away the lie.   If an airline pilot forgets to lower the landing gear, I don't think any one would say  " Everyone makes a mistake"    If a heart surgeon forgets leaves the scalpel in your chest, would you say.. " It happens"  and let it go at that.    We hold different people to different standards, based on what they do, what they  provide for a society.   Police are supposed to uphold the law of society and protect society from people intent on breaking laws.  Doctors are supposed to keep us in good health or restore us to good health.  We as a society are not very forgiven when some one drops the ball on their profession.   Well Elected officials are supposed to represent our wishes, and are supposed to keep us informed about issues we need to decide to run this society.   So why do they get a lie by  distortion of facts, omission of facts, or providing incorrect information.
          Michele Bachmann, has flubbed enough information to have a normal person thrown from a race. 
Her views on science are down right scary, that she preaches  natural selection is not evolution, should give most people pause.  But that doesn't directly impact society , YET.   That Michele Bachmann preaches to the nation a vaccine against a form of cancer, in women can cause mental retardation, In my mind is criminal.  Unfortunately  Ms. Bachmann has a following and they think she actually knows what she is talking about.  That Ms. Bachmann spoke without any facts, should concern voters.   When Ms. Bachmann a member of the House Intelligence committee suggested checking with  General Petraeus  ( Ret) regarding our action in Asia while referring to action in Libya, indicates she as a member of congress, has not  idea of the chain of command, or the geographic location of Libya.    The General who I personally admire had nothing to do with the African  Theater .   And Libya on the north of Africa is not considered Asia , unless of course we let China buy it?  If you want to be President, these things might come in handy to know.
          Rich Perry doesn't do much better, with his bragging about job creation, but neglecting to report in order to balance the state budget, many of the state jobs he helped create have to be eliminated this year.
        Nor does he discuss how many of the private sector jobs are actually paying wages that are close to accepted levels of poverty.   Mr. Perry's desire to reduce regulation is right in step with receiving campaign contributions  with those industries.   Nor does Mr. Perry explain to the 85 percent dumber than rocks  and 5 percent dumber that his administration has fought the EPA and  Texas  protection agencies, to remove the regulations  that Mr. Perry is now bragging about.   So, Mr. Perry gets the money from industry to remove regulations but brags when the regulations work ??   Not to worry major polluters,  Mr. Perry is successful with allow low level radiation to be buried and stored near the city aquifers of a major city in Texas.  
Mr. Perry has also spoken with God, ( his words not mine ) awaiting God decisions, ( makes it tough for those decision that require a rapid response )   Nor does Mr. Perry believe in global warming or evolution.  Which if you don't believe in that, I guess is a good thing. however when your children are competing for work against nations that do believe in math and science, is Mr. Perry the right choice for a President ?
                 Democrats are not much better, they just lie more about sex and drugs.    Democrats also do better on the lie of omission.   Now we have a health care plan,  and if the tax on the health care plan goes through the way its written,  the average person will get to pay an additional, on top of every thing else   $5000.  dollars.  This could change, but... if you are in the 25 percent group, and you have declare your family plan as income, and the family plan is $20,000 dollars, that would be $5000 dollars additional.
           The good mayor of New York,  ( feel like picking on him )  I don't know why he has decided to champion his pet social issue, but he has.    So his statement regarding the tough smoking restrictions  sounds way  cool.  These restrictions  will  reduce premature deaths by  50000 people over the next 40 years.  ( no I'm not joking, he actual bragged about this)   so the 1250 deaths per year,  will just about make up for the   1540 deaths annual for alcohol abuse.   Which the good mayor has not championed any restrictions on.
         Statistics actually can be manipulated, however there is an absolute truth.  Numbers, facts figures, do have a value and a truth.    Before you support someone;   as  fossil fuels become more expensive, as the global climate change impacts weather and food.    As drinkable water becomes scarce.   While you watch a loved one go off to fight a war.    Take the time to find out  what the truth is??

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