Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do you expect us to live on a quater million a year????

I could not argue with any one that both of the Democratic and Republican party are pretty much self serving, idiots who live in fear of an original idea that might actually help this nation.   But while they are pretending to care about you and me, would it not be nice to hear something that makes sense.
          I have not read the new job creation bill, will not say I know any details....but let us just look at the "sound bites".  Let us pretend that there is nothing else major in there ,
Remove tax subsides for the oil companies.
increase tax on millionaires and billionaires
No tax breaks on corporate jets.
While we all hope there is more substance than that in the bill,  how in the name of any God you pray to  can Republicans come out and say that is wrong.    Yet, the Republicans  come out and argue the sound bites.

So my theme of everyone learning some facts before deciding how to vote, how to form an opinion.....some simple research.   No lie....took me  5 minutes.  ( Yes I timed it so I could tell you )
Oil companies  claim they only make about 2 cents on every gallon of gas sold.  I wont question that. Lets go with that number.  2 cents per gallon.  There are just about  378 million gallons of gas sold every day. At 2 cents profit per gallon that means the oil companies are making  7,560,000 dollars a day, not per week but per day on gasoline.   Not including other products sold.  Must be tough to live on 52.920,000 a week.  How much does it cost to buy a congress person these days?  Maybe its the judges that cost more to bribe?
You know it has to be the cost of getting the puppets elected, that's has to be  it!!
        Taxes.   Lets not think about GE  paying only 5 percent corporate tax.  For this blog, focus on everyone only paying their fair share.    The United States Tax code needs to be over hauled, absolutely no argument from me on that, however until it happens, lets look at what is fair.
The average American is making 49,000.  annually.  and not looking at any deductions that is taxed at  25 % by the Federal government.  With no deductions and not including possible state and local taxes,  Joe Average is left with   37,000 to pay his/her bills and live.    Not that easy in the United States, but do-able
A single person making 379,000 or lets say 400,000 dollars  ( single person ) is paying Federal taxes at 35 percent, so this single person has to live on  246, 348 dollars a year.    Which would you rather live on
$37,000 per year or  $240,000 per year ?
           Possible if people making  almost a quarter of a million dollars a year decided to pay that  and not hire an accountant or lawyer to figure out how to pay less taxes than they would have more money to buy elected officials and buy $500 dollar shoes ?   I am willing to bet if everyone paid only what they really owed, our national debt would disappear.  What do you think?

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