Monday, September 12, 2011

I dont think the President read my blog???

President Obama gave a powerful speech, last week ( Sept), with broad outlines of hope and promise.  He presented it to the same group of people, the US Congress who has given us  9.75 percent  unemployment, about 18 percent under employment, stagnation, polarization, etc. 
        The only thing that is going to move, congress off there butts, AND  to get the President's eyes off the polling numbers, is you.  You , me, him...and her over there.  
         Two big items  not in the Presidents speech, that need to be addressed.   One the average reader will probable like, the other the average reader including me will not like.  And knowing how people think., lets go with the life first
       1) Effective  Jan. 1  2012  every day the congress and senate go over the deadline for presenting a balanced budget, the congress and senate lose one weeks pay. None refundable.    Deadlines cannot be extended under penalty of fines and vote of confidence.  ( If they ignore  the voters and extent the dead line the congress person or senator will pay a $2000.00 for every day its extended pass the dead line.)
       2) Every government worker, ( exception active military personal or military personal with disability ) will contribute a minimum of 12% to their health care. Up to 18 % for employees making $80,000 or more.

The don't like part.  Do not extent or pass a pay roll tax  reduction.   Mr. President, we need the money now.   Take away the tax when unemployment reaches  6 percent.  As I have said at length.  We are in two wars.   Our generation is made of the same metal as our parents and grand parents, this is our sacrifice.
Use the tax revenue to hire an independent organization, preferable a foreign company who has no "stake " in the outcome, to revamp our tax system.  Simplify it and remove the loop holes, make it fair.  With the highest tax bracket for people making over $250,000 dollars.  The first $250,000 will be at 35 percent, ever dollar over $250, 000  will be at 45 percent.  No loop holes,  no donations to save the amoeba foundation write offs.   They can donate what ever they want but they are paying 45 cents on the dollar over 250 K !  

        If you are concerned about our elected officials passing bills to avoid the penalty, stop and consider what they have done right now... or more important what they haven't done.  
        I am focusing on money.  ( I told you at the heart of me is a Republican) . Social issues are important but not if you don't have a society.  So I want to get money back into our economy.  Spend money to rid of off fraud, ( don't care as much about over spending as the fraud ) If welfare gets a generation ready to enter the ranks of the tax payers than I am for welfare.   If  $5.00 lettuce, means more workers paying taxes than dang bring on the salad.   No I'm not naive, I know what it could be, not what it is, and we need the goals.
Americans do not do well with generalities, ( humans don't but this is an American Blog )
       The President was right about this, deluge your elected officials, but send them this blog. 

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