Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What Pakistan and wife beating have in common.

         Before I get into this recent front page topic, I have to clarify my blog on taxes.  My friend and if you like  conscience , sent me information that seem to contradict my data,  high taxes, lower unemployment.
I wasn't clear, my apology.   The numbers I proved, where higher taxes on the top  10 percent of the economic ladder.  I picked that group because the republicans are stated the opposite, and history has proven them wrong.  So, the republicans, predicting taxing the rich leads to higher unemployment are either idiots, the information is easily available and to not use correct information makes you an idiot, or they are lying, which means they think YOU are idiots.   Additionally, the logic is proven flawed right now..... we have low taxes on the rich, and unemployment is still 9. 4 percent.   The excuse that is used is that the rich are waiting to see what happens. They are uncertain about the taxes.   How long they gonna wait??  Until all the middle and lower income people are un employed?   Until the president signs in blood and leaves his children as hostages that taxes will never go up?  Can't they predict their profits with a 40 percent tax? 
Any way, the republicans are wrong on this one.
           Pakistan, has made the news yet again, with information  that their government, rather their military and intelligence agency  has supported and aided in terror attacks in the region and now against American forces in Afghanistan.    Let us not forget that  Osama Bin Laden was living a short distance from their main military base/university.  This is not old news.   Once more I refer you to two very good books which are history now " Charlie Wilson's War"  " Ghost Wars" .  Both speak to the fighting in the region.  Both talk about Pakistan's military and intelligent agency  working with radical factions. 
         Since 2001 the United States has provided over 21 billion dollars in aid with another 7.5 billion slated for 2011.
           The United States is not a total innocent in this marriage ( see how I segway into the title...pretty neat haa)     We are guilty of using 3rd party groups to fight battles.  And we are as guilty as ever other nation of putting  our interest ahead of  other nations or national interest.  But there needs to be a line in the sand ( so to speak)   You need to say, "this isn't working" our interest are no longer the same, this isn't working and you have become counter productive".     There is something fundamentally wrong with pouring money into a country, that has a population who proudly proclaim they want YOU dead!    When you hear about a woman who's husband is beating her up, and you ask her why she doesn't leave him, and this woman responds  " I know he loves me"  this is a woman that needs help getting her priorty in order.  The United States is the woman , saying  " Pakistan isn't so bad"
Standing on the side line, you would tell this woman, that her husband is gonna kill you one day.
She says, but my neighbors are bullies and he protects me from them, and the children need a father.
You respond, the kids don't need an abusive wife beater, and the man is gonna kill you.  The neighbors might hurt you and might not, he is hitting you and throwing you down the stairs....walk away now.
          And if you don't like that analogy, I know my conscience will email me  LOL.  but this is also the country were beating your wife for real is not only allowed but encouraged,  beating a woman in public because she wears make up or exposed her face, and killing a woman who is raped because she went out without a male escort.  Which leads to the issue of everything is tied together, including education.  A large population that's primary education is religious in nature.  A religion that we will blog about another time, but this stuff isn't made up.   Religious leaders, who are abusive to there own people  ( insert women here ) has no problem with ordering the death of us foreigners.    I don't support infidelity by either gender, but I think it harsh to hang a woman or stone her.   A man only gets a beating.  
          This paragraph got thrown in, because unless a nation decides that certain social practices are detremental to that society and or to the world community,  you have no bases to communicate and negotiate .   If the population believes God is telling them, killing Americans is good, than how do you negotiate with them?  And if you can't negotiate with them, way the devil are you giving them 7 billion dollars.
           When I say "time to re evaluate our relationship"  that is politically correct speak for, "time to dump them and let India wipe them off the face of the planet."  Yes I know the email is coming, but I told you I wasn't a liberal

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