Thursday, September 8, 2011

socialism is fer pinko commies and no good liberials !!

a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
I got lazy and cut and pasted the definition of socialism.  Because those of you who don't want no socialistic polices in yer  guv-or-mint, better leave now.   You got plenty of socialism without President Obama. Unless of course you are willing to give up  social security, medicare, Medicaid, Disability, the police, fire department, the United States Military.   National Parks, federal roads, the post office etc. etc.  On and on, owned and operated by the Federal Government, paid for by the collective society, Salaries determined by the government, and use determined by the government, for the collective good of society as a whole.
           There is no form of government or economic system that in its pure form, works in the real world.  Its looks good when you read about it. But put it in practice in with humans and pure forms fall flat on there face.
        We need a careful blend of many styles of government to keep a society happy, growing and productive.  
          The speech about restoring the economy by cutting taxes and cutting government regulations ???
A) its a lie
B) its what you have right now?
So if you are happy with unemployment at 10 percent, and underemployment at about 15 to 20 percent, than tax cuts and end of regulations is the way to go.
         The private sector of the United States has taken those tax cuts, and the stimulus given them and INVESTED THE MONEY !!!  they have not used it to  hire anyone.   Get this clear in your mind, the majority of US companies have more money now in there bank accounts than in any time for the past 40 years.  But because they are private, the government can NOT make them spend it on expansion or hiring your family.    Regulations are what protects you and I from the private industry that really would prefer to sell cheaper and inferior products to you at higher prices, making more profit.  And you have no where  else to go to buy this stuff, so they don't have to fear competition.  Those regulations mean your electronic devices can't be build in a way that endangers you, cannot be produce more cheaply with material that will poison you.  They can't leave the waste from their production in your back yard, where your children play.
           Taxes while ever unpleasant  are lower in the United States than in Western Europe, Canada, and a number of South America Countries.   You could move to any where in South East Asia or Africa and pay less tax?      I don't care who you vote for as long as it is not based on myths and lies.

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