Friday, September 23, 2011

85 percent of the entire worlds population is dumber than a box of rocks 5 percent are dumber than that and were elected to congress.  
        I find it necessary to repeat myself, to drive home a point. 
         Until 2004 I voted straight republican, I mean down the line, even dog catcher.
But I vote for the person that I believe will help me and my family.  I vote for people I believe will help this country which in turn usually helps my family.   I hate paying taxes, I'm fond of money.  Rather I like what money can do.   Having stated that, I find the republicans especially the Tea Party are the most destructive force in the United States since Hurricane Katrina and the last 7 big earth quakes.
          Forgetting that the republicans are attempting to turn the US into a theocratic nation second only to Pakistan, with little difference between the extremist. The economic policy put forth is a lie.  Not a difference of opinion, but a lie.   A lie is a belief or statement put forth when you know the truth and put forth the false hood any way.
       The republicans are telling the public that increase taxes will kill jobs.  Well if that is correct, than where are the jobs NOW???
We are living with the some of the lowest tax rates this nation has seen, and almost the worst unemployment.   So where are all those jobs the millionaires are going to create with the lower rate??????  What are they waiting for ?????/
      Once again those awful facts get in the way, and here are some boring numbers that are facts any one can check.
1941  unemployment = 9.6 coming out of a depression, tax rate on the wealthy 80%
jump to
1960  unemployment = 6.6   tax rate  = 91 percent...yes that is 91 percent but look at employment rate
1971 unemployment = 5.9   tax rate   = 65 percent
1981  unemployment =7.5  tax rate   = 60 percent  hmmmm
1991  unemployment  =6.4  tax rate =  31 percent
2001  unemployment=  4.2  tax rate =  39 percent
2011  unemployment = 9.2  tax rate  = 35 percent..
are you seeing a pattern here.the higher taxes  have LOWER unemployment.  Yet the republicans are telling you the opposite.  Well if they are not basing on history, because history proves the higher rates have better employment numbers what are they basing their predictions on????   Perhaps when God spoke to  Perry or Michelle god told them lower taxes would increase the employment?   Perhaps the Corporation Gods  told the republicans no new taxes  or your donations dry up.....but historically that isn't true either.  So where are the republicans getting their economic theory from?
          Well it doesn't matter since its wrong, and it must be a lie, because it took 3 minutes to look up documented figures
         I try to be honest with my statements, and in the spirit of honesty, I know that is not as simple as higher taxes lower unemployment.  However, the congress, the senate, economist , the pundits  are NOT being honest, they are over simplifying so, for the debate its simple, higher taxes lower unemployment.
         Rest easy the democrats aren't much better because they have neither the brains or the guts to refute what is obviously  nonsense being spread by the republicans.  The democrats are waiting for some one to put the truth into a sound bite they can use at the next talk show.
         The jobs are not being created because of greed. and greed equals stupidity.  The belief that you can push a population ever further, no work, no money, no health care, no education, but some how you believe your company or you will continue to make money.  The sad thing is that it does work for a while.  But eventually, there does come a breaking point. As bad as it might seem now, it can get worse.  Now we still have the chance to fix the problems.   I don't know of many people who want to pay taxes...but we want our standard of living, we like roads, and schools, and hospitals.  Government officials like 16 dollar muffins, free golf outings and free vacations in Europe, so they can study  "dog parks" and "bicycle paths", you know the important things.  Some one has to pay for it, its time to raise taxes FAIRLY,
So the next time some one says  taxes destroy jobs, just quote this blog.  Now  I have to go drink my 8 dollar coffee and 6 dollar box of Crack or Jacks.

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