Monday, September 19, 2011

And the winner is......

           Good morning all.    Last night Sunday Sept. 18,  as I did NOT watch, the entertainment industry pat itself on the back,  I thought about how the entertainment industry has come along way. 
          Many of you are old enough to remember  double features in the movies that cost  75 cents .  TV  programs were 50 minutes long and  and reruns only happened during the summer.  There were at least  30 new episodes of your favorite series.
          Now with cable you and I pay to watch 10 minutes of commercials for every 30 of air time. Yes you are paying for commercials. That isn't what the industry tells us, they tell us the commercials keep cost down. But your cable bill doesn't know that, so you are paying to watch commercials. You are paying to watch series seasons that last 20 new shows the rest are repeats. In this world there are 52 weeks per we pay to have more than 50 percent of the programs as repeats.     We pay for  so called marathons which are really cheap ways to run , reruns ...and we pay for this, we pay for  stations that are infomercials.  We pay period.
             Bottom line folks... of all the issues we , you and I can actually control or influence, of the few we can impact in a short time !!!!  The entertainment industry....Yes.  
           Do you like paying 120 dollars for theater tickets.   How about for a baseball game, and a 4 dollar hot dog?  
           People, I know everyone has to live, but 4 dollars  gets you a pack of 24 hot dogs and the buns !.
How about a good ol  American boycott.   How about not watching or attending any professional sporting event for the next year,  than no movies or TV.  for a year. 
          It sounds harder than it is.  The message is clear, cut the cost people.  Bring these down to earth.
We don't need any of this to live.  I know you do deserve the relaxation , but people this is a message the industry can understand. Its the only one they 
                 I also realize its not the people in the stands selling the food, or  the ticket agent in the box.  But the actors, the  people behind the camera, the trainers, the athletes and the owners.  Making hundreds of thousands , if not millions.    Well enough people.  They can still make comfortable livings without robbing the pubic.   15 to 18 dollars each for  3D movies ?   Baseball games running  6 hours so they can get in all the commercials.   3 1/2 hours for a game with 4  (15) minute quarters. 
          If you want to make a mark, let them know you aren't dumber than the 85 percents, organize the boycott, stop watching stop attending.   YOU are paying them to advertise their teams, there events.
 Media sports, theater, movies and TV  pay hundreds of millions to  advertise themselves But they charge YOU a premium to wear a shirt or cap with there name on it.  You are advertising for them and paying them for the right to do it.   Is that not dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks?  Trust me, it wont take a year for them to start reducing the prices.    There is no real value to pay these performers ( TV  Movies, athletics ) millions of dollars, but because the front office and owners are getting that kind of money, they wanted it.  So it spiralled out of  control.  And its one of the few things we can spiral back into control.  Lets pick the week after Thanksgiving....the money week, start the boycott and tell your friends and neighbors, no movies no TV.... rent and old movie ( yes I know they get royalties)  rent a computer game, go outside, play board games... bring the entertainment industry down to earth.   Sure not going to work with one or two people, but get the numbers boycotting up and watch what happens.

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