Thursday, September 15, 2011

" Its the economy stupid, no wait its the stupid economy" !

     A friend suggest I focus on one topic at a time while blogging.  It sounded like common sense and a good suggestion,  The problem is, all most nothing that impacts us is singular in nature.  The entire theory that 85 percent of the population is dumber than a box of rocks, there are only several real absolutes in life, bring it back to the inability to focus on just one thing  to solve a given problem.  Be clear, you can focus on the details of a particular problem, but if you want to solve something you need to identify, what else will impact that one issue.
          Listening to NPR  "National Public Radio"  once more the baffled reporter ask the uber intelligent pundit about the economy. Specifically the housing marker.  The discussion about the need for banks to finish the fore closure process before the market could recover. 
         Than we heard how republicans didn't think Fanny Mae should back new mortgages on people who have and still are paying their loans.
           Followed by China beating us once more in the solar energy industry. And finally China's leader tell the rest of the world to get its financial house in order and one way to do that is to let China invest more in the government sectors of the nations.
         I wish I were as smart as the pundits being interviewed.  Alas, I keep seeing patterns, and I must be wrong because no one else sees it.
           Banks can't lower mortgage rates because they have already spent the interest you haven't paid yet.
And everyone knows that if the bank takes your house and  does NOT get the cost of the house back that you borrowed....they will make more money selling the house cheaper to some one else?  Or make more money by not selling the house and letting it rot there?
          Those statements have to be true or the banks wouldn't be doing it right? 
OK enough sarcasm from me, for the moment.   If you cant pay your loan, the bank isn't getting its money back.   Of course the tax laws let them take you as a tax right off on the money they  earned on other ventures.  Some one as simple minded as myself, suggest the bank lower the rate of interest, not the money for the house but the interest.  If you have been paying the  higher rate of interest, your paying the lower rate is a done deal.   But you stay in the house and  ( wait for it ) spend the money you saved on other items;  keeping the money flowing in the economy.   Perhaps banks might want to do what they did to my wife and myself back in the 1970's  and check to see if I could pay back a loan before loaning.   It took a WHOLE  week  but we got the loan. I foolishly believe getting even 50 percent of the interest is better than not getting any money at all, but that's just me.  Possible getting more people in a position to spend money would help the economy?   I don't know, I'm throwing out wild and crazy ideas, however if you are greedy and stupid, you prefer to destroy an entire society rather than help it recover.   If you don't believe the United States economy can be destroyed and that the States can be turned into a group of Feudal petty Factions than please stop reading my blog, move to a small island nation which will be covered in water 10 years from now;  when all the ice melts, oh and don't have any children, their are enough idiots breathing my air.
             But I  guess the pundents know better,  Mysterious forces are destroying our economy.   You know how I keep talking about the under employed.   How many luxury items do you think a person buys when they are making minimum wage, have NO benefits no health care, no sick days, vacation days, disability.  And live from pay check to pay check. How many of those foreclosed homes do you think those people buy?  Unless the banks continue to be dumber than the 85 percent and loan them money which they will never pay back because they can't.   Or the banks  decide to  ( think last rounds of stimulus ) take your tax dollars and invest that money in stocks, bonds, derivatives , any thing except loaning the money.
         Starting to see a pattern are you???
         Unless people have jobs, good jobs, they won't spend money at least not the sane or honest people.
Some people just don't care and figure they are not going to pay off the credit any way, so they buy  what they want.  But the majority do want to be honest and until they feel they are in a position to do so safely they are not buying washing machines, cars, houses.  Nike 500 dollar sneakers etc. 
          But the Chinese  make every thing cheaper, so either we buy Chinese products or move our companies to China to make those products.  ( See a pattern yet?)  And the Chinese tell us we should be more like them.  Yes  they have the highest production rates, in the world, the most money sitting in their banks in the world, the biggest population,   We should be more like them, at least if you listen to the Republicans.  Yes...the Republicans want  less government regulations.  Lets be clear  less government regulations.  That means  the US companies would have no rules to continue operating in the United States.
In China  the average daily income of the workers is  $14.15 cents per day.  They have the highest death rates in the work place because they like the Republicans want,  have so few regulations.  The highest casualty rates in the work place, that is injuries, dismemberment's, poisonings.  but they don't have regulations.
        Now do you see a pattern?    We  the United States could beat China economically if we allowed companies to pollute freely, kill people in the work place or cripple them and not worry about paying them afterwards.   Sell inferior product because its cheaper, who cares if some one gets killed or hurt afterward?
        Because capitalism says that the market will control the greedy companies who want to make tons of  money, move to China where they don't have to pay much, and there are no regulations; to sell to the few remaining Americans, who are becoming fewer and fewer.  ( I needed the run on sentence here ) The jobs are in China ( and other places just not here) so Americans buy less and less , including Houses and Cars, and pundits are mystified why the economy isn't getting better.  Democrats  fear telling you and I the truth and Republicans count on you being dumber than rocks or dumber, and lie to us.  Letting the jobs go over seas, to lands without regulations, rules, so profits increase in the greedy industries, so the stock market goes up, while you are still out of a job.   "Its the stupid economy!"   The pattern CAN be broken, but it takes courage, the willingness  for this generation to suffer, which is to make the changes, so our children and grand children will have something better.   Not a new game system, or I pod...but good paying jobs, an education that prepares them for the world, and less fear about being safe.  We all need to pay a fair amount of taxes, we all need to agree that helping an honest person less fortunate is in our collective interest. Not everyone on welfare is lazy, not everyone without health insurance is a bum. School is not day care.  And some things ARE YOUR FAULT, not societies, but you screwed up.   You need to vote.  I don't care if you vote for the most unknown person on the ballot, in fact that sends a better message than not voting.    You need to call these candidates out, make everyone explain how they intend to help us as a society.   This is not a conspiracy, its NOT some incredible government or corporate plot, its simple how it all works out, that each issue is tied to the other.   We mere mortals call it life. But we created it and we can fix it.      I hope we are up for it... if not we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

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