Thursday, November 17, 2011

We dont like the rules lets change the game

Just a week to go for the "Stupid Committee"  to come up with a plan, or  ouster  budget cuts will come into play automatically.  But it looks like the congress will come through for us, with a bold plan.  That plan would be to renege on the automatic cuts that go into effect if they don't come up with a real plan..
             So the plan is to change the rules of the game, life is good when you don't need to deal with reality.
Reality is our economy is in trouble, but if you can ignore it, and still get elected by people too damn stupid to realize that you are not doing your job, than its not congress fault.  Its the knuckle dragging morons  "Whats gots da rit  ta vote in any  Gud Ferring Man whuts ferrs Gut and hates communist"
             Write your congress person, your senator and flood Obama, but send your contributions to any third party candidate even if you don't like them.  Don't give money to the republicans or Democrats, neither party takes us serious any move  Right your letters and emails telling them, they don't have your vote or your money any more.  
          Let any member of the house, try living on minimum wage, without benefits.   Than possible we would get some real plans on how to fix this economy, including social cutbacks and  adjustments to the tax laws.
          I'm sure that if the tax right offs were to end, Mobil and Shell would still continue to exploit us.
Let congress know, the fix to our society is NOT  changing the rules mid game

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