Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Im not with the 1 percent but Id like to be

 Fair is fair and I'm getting really tired of hearing about the 1 percent.  I can assure you I'm not even close to the  1 percent of wealth.   I have yet to get on my "soap box" about athletes and entertainers, except one blog reminding you folks that we actually can control their salaries if we choose to.  The 1 percent is not actually a problem.   Its that only 53 percent of us pay taxes, or the fair amount of taxes. "According to a 2011 article by CNBC writer Jeff Cox,[53] the 1% does not constitute merely corporate CEOs, bankers or stock traders, but also people in occupations not typically targeted by wealth disparity protesters. Based on a 2010 study by Jon Bakija et al. covering data since 2005 (whose results, Cox concedes, would be affected by the 2000s recession), executives, managers and non-financial supervisors make up 6.35% of the 1%, while finance professionals make up 2.77%, doctors 1.85% and lawyers 1.22%. Other occupations such as farmers, scientists, pilots, real estate professionals and entertainers each comprise about 0.5% of the 1 Percenters. Cox states that sources vary on the minimum yearly income to be considered among the 1%, ranging from about $500,000 to $1.3 million, whereas CEO salaries average $3.9 million, $10.6 million for those whose companies are in the Standard & Poor’s 500 and $19.8 million for companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Cox adds that the wealthiest of the 1% (that is, the .001%), make only 19% of their income through their salaries, and make the rest through investment income, which are taxed at different rates, that they pay a disproportionate amount of their incomes to income tax, having paid 40% of the total federal personal income tax in 2006, whereas the 5 Percenters paid 60%.[53]
Cox also states that the phenomenon of wealth concentration among a small segment of the population is a century old, and argues a direct correlation between this and the health of the stock market, stating that 36.7% of the United States' wealth was controlled by the 1% in 1922, 44.2% when the stock market crashed in 1929, 19.9% in 1976, and has increased since then. Cox also says that it has intensified at the same time that the United States changed from a manufacturing leader to a financial services leader. Cox takes issue with protestors' focus on income and wealth, and with their embrace of allies such as Susan Sarandon and Russell Simmons, who are themselves in the 1%.[53]
Joseph Barro of National Review offers similar arguments, asserting that the 1% includes those with incomes beginning at $593,000, which would exclude most Wall Street bankers.[54]"
           Neither do I agree that  35 percent tax on people making over 200,000 dollars is too high.   As I pointed out, first they are not taxed a blanket  35 percent,  the majority of the money is taxed as the same rate as we mere mortals, unless them make gobs more money over 200,000.   In which case the higher rate kicks in.  
          The liberal 1 percent, who cry out for a new tax rate, seem to be missing something here.    I do my own taxes with the aid of a computer program.  I enter my own investments, dividends, bank accounts...that is all separate....when it comes to deductions,  I do not have to put any.   Lets be clear, if you want to pay more taxes  you just do NOT enter the deductions on your computer program , or tell your accountant not to take the deductions, or the guy from the corner store at H&R block.   Easy you are paying more taxes, which means those claiming they should pay more, have to be readers of "Uncle Remus"     "please don't toss me in the Brier patch  please ".     We don't need new taxes, we need existing taxes  paid fairly.
        We don't need the "million air "  tax cuts instated for the rest of the century, let them run out.
Part of the troubling issues with both parties and many of the chuckle heads who unfortunately have the right to vote, is the "polarization" which is a 10 dollar word for , not willing to compromise to make something useful for the country to happen.   Hell get me in an hour and I will rant about the fraud, taking place, taking the limited resources because our central government, be it city, state of  federal  are dumber than the 85 percent.  Staffing enforcement, to insure fraud, is caught and eliminated is a cost effective method of insuring people who really need social programs can get them.
        Yes we have idiots who say that  finger printing recipients of food stamps is terrible.  These are also people who believe unicorns will inherit the earth and that the new math taught in our schools will actually help some body ( beside those paid to come up with the crap being taught)   
               But the bottom line here, is the word compromise and reality.   We need to do both , cut spending which I believe can be done by elimination of fraud, at all levels including corporate, and by paying fair share of existing taxes.  Those loop holes were  nice when we were rich,  we are no longer, so cut the nonsense.    Newt Gingrich is an idiot,  I will gleefully throw out  illegals, who consider our laws for the suckers... I don't care if they have 8 kids by 10 wives, which is probable more common than you realize.    Poor  Grand Mama... she so struggles to pick up her welfare, SSI,food stamps, Medicaid checks, and she has been in this county a whole  4 weeks, where is the humanity????
          Hey middle America, learn to do your own lawns, nails, and boycott  lettuce until they use Americans to pick it.
I'm picking on illegals because, there is no way there buying taco shells ,  tight jeans , two six packs is boosting the economy in the face of  health care cost, social programs and a disproportionate amount of crime.
           The compromise is this, people illegally here who do work, do  obey the laws,  only take a fair share of social programs,  yes I want them to have amnesty.  The people who have done it legally,  cudo's to them...but some one busting there butt and earning there place, I say welcome aboard.
              The political parties can reach a mutual deal, they simple do not want to .  This is a global game of chicken, with the result of  losing a country to gain an election.   The height of stupidity.   You need to get out of the 85 percentage until the election is over.     Insist that these mental  defective  fools,  compromise on the issues and get our economy moving.
Do not  NOT vote, if you don't like the party candidates, vote for the last person on the list, but don't give up your vote.
Its reality check time folks.  Lets get this done.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Alls quiet on the idiot front

Well  pretty uneventful week....now we can focus on what matters, like "America has talent, but not on this show"    " Real New Jersey housewives, that no one cares about"  "Survivor 2011, island of the media inspired misfits"  and  "Dancing with the wanna be's "
          Its not as if the super committee in congress failed to come up with a way to cut, spending and raise revenues in a way that would help sustain the American economy.  Oh wait they did fail...hmmm. Oh well, automatic cuts and taxes are going to kick in to save us 1. 2 trillion dollars, oh wait, the answer of the super committee is to re visit the "sequester" to ease some of those taxes and cuts.  Nothing like being able to change the rules when you don't like the game.  
           But other than that, nothing much going on, unless you include the people killed and injured in Egypt, because the military doesn't want to give up power.  Or that the majority of Egyptians who favor a non sectarian form of government, will probable be turned into an Islamic Theocratic regime.  
          How about the news, that you haven't heard unless you listened to some obscure radio station, regarding the Chinese Banks, about to bust, for (wait for it ) bad loans?  Less the Chinese don't need to learn the lessons of the west, just because we screwed up royally pouring money into bad positions doesn't mean the Chinese can't pour money into bad loans.  Or that the strikes for higher wages and benefits, will impact the economy in China, not when they can gun people down in the streets and the rest of the world will continue to buy their " hazardous waste " products  ( Well that hasn't happened yet, but it will in the coming year) the Chinese public wants to buy the products they are making, and to do that they need money, and the government, doesn't like giving up money.
           Meantime, our presidential race, continues with each candidate getting conflicting messages from God.    Poor Newt,  God must really be messing with him, 5 years ago God told him we needed to raise tax revenue, this year its no new taxes, read my  TelePrompter"  
          So we are safe in our nation  to pay no attention to the  Hispanic Muslim who wanted to bomb us in the name of the peace loving religion, and watch our nit wit programing , praying that the basketball season can start in Earnest, so that several hundred people can make millions playing a game while you and I, worry about paying our bills

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where the heck is the money going

You know... I wrote a small post today.   I thought there was no sense in doing over kill.  Unfortunately I began talking to a co worker.    As we discussed, the fact that the democratic party is a group of gutless spineless jelly fish like weenies who can only make the news when they are cheating on there wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, or taking kick backs from the porn, or organic food industry.  While the republicans are on the whole, mindless morons, genetically breed to lie about anything asked. Who will knock social programs while there relatives including their  dozens of illegitimate children and mistresses benefit from those programs.
          The discussion moved to ,,, " how are we broke?"    The government tells us we are 2. something trillion dollars in debt?   How the devil are we in debt???  The budget is not  some mysterious unforeseen entity.   There should be a known number of people being paid.  There is a certain number of products bought, and there is money coming into the treasury.   The government budget  state, Fed, and city is a check book with a lot of zeros.  If you can balance your check book you can understand government finance.
What aren't they telling us?? 
Most of us, pay an income tax, a Federal Tax, we pay a sales tax, we pay tax on gasoline.  There are several taxes listed on our phone bill, or utility bill, our airline tickets, commuter tickets.  
We have fees on licenses of ALL kinds, any permits, test we take. There is virtually no money you spend or earn that does NOT have a portion taken to pay a tax, fee, surcharge?   The lotto, all those chance cards in the drug store, grocery store, bible shop, all are supposed to be divided in half, with half going to the government and half to the winners.
             Its time to ask our elected officials, where the hell is the money going.  how did you spend that much money every year and on what?   Lets start with that, we want to see an accounting of the money coming in and the money going out... since the house and the president cant fix our economy maybe we can.

We dont like the rules lets change the game

Just a week to go for the "Stupid Committee"  to come up with a plan, or  ouster  budget cuts will come into play automatically.  But it looks like the congress will come through for us, with a bold plan.  That plan would be to renege on the automatic cuts that go into effect if they don't come up with a real plan..
             So the plan is to change the rules of the game, life is good when you don't need to deal with reality.
Reality is our economy is in trouble, but if you can ignore it, and still get elected by people too damn stupid to realize that you are not doing your job, than its not congress fault.  Its the knuckle dragging morons  "Whats gots da rit  ta vote in any  Gud Ferring Man whuts ferrs Gut and hates communist"
             Write your congress person, your senator and flood Obama, but send your contributions to any third party candidate even if you don't like them.  Don't give money to the republicans or Democrats, neither party takes us serious any move  Right your letters and emails telling them, they don't have your vote or your money any more.  
          Let any member of the house, try living on minimum wage, without benefits.   Than possible we would get some real plans on how to fix this economy, including social cutbacks and  adjustments to the tax laws.
          I'm sure that if the tax right offs were to end, Mobil and Shell would still continue to exploit us.
Let congress know, the fix to our society is NOT  changing the rules mid game

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just when you thought they might not be stupid, they open their mouths.

Libya. President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called for the removal of Qadhafi. Just want to make sure we’re talking about the same thing before I say, yes I agree, I know I didn’t agree. I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason – no, that’s a different one. I gotta go back to … Got all this stuff twirling around in my head. Specifically, what are you asking me, did I agree or not disagree with on what? … Here’s what I would have – I would have done a better job of determining who the opposition is and I’m sure that our intelligence people have some of that information. Based upon who made up that opposition – based upon who made up that opposition, might have caused me to make some different decisions about how we participated. Secondly, no, I did not agree with Qadhafi killing his citizens. Absolutely not. So something would have had to be – I would have supported many of the things they did in order to help stop that. It’s not a simple yes-no, because there are different pieces and I would have gone about assessing the situation differently, which might have caused us to end up in the same place. But where I think more could have been done was, what’s the nature of the opposition?

          This is candidate Cains, response to the question, regarding how he thought President Obama handled the issue of Libya.   Now keep in mind  Cain asked for the interview, this was not impromptu.   What should scare voters is, 
A)  Cain answered the question.  If you don't know something, even a politician can tell a journalist, that they had not look thoroughly into a question.  He could have simple said, Yes on this issue Obama handled himself well.  Instead, because it was Obama, Cain had to struggle to come up with a negative about the president
B) Actually stated in  A),  this finding fault with the other party simply because they are the other party.  People this is the United States, we are all supposed to be working together toward a common good.  When some one does something right, give a quick answer to acknowledge it and move on.
C) the excuse given for his poor answer, was that Cain had not had much sleep.  Well some one should inform Cain that problems arise at all hours for the president of the United States, other factions on the globe don't check to see if the president has had his 8 hours.
D) Cain wanted this interview to deal with questions he thought he would be asked; I'm guessing the sex scandal.  Hell folks I'm not running for any position, and I know  the media ask what it wants in this country and there is no such thing as  " NO fair, that wasn't a good question"
                I'm picking on Cain because he is opening his mouth.  When others do,  I will point it out.   But this election truly is to important to leave it to mental midgets.
         Growing up, the politicked of the time like to talk about the threat of nuclear war.  I don't believe it was more than a threat, because it was not in the interest of either side to destroy the world.   In fact I believe the threat is stronger now, now that children and the mentally handicapped have either nuclear weapons or biological weapons.   But to the less glamorous part of our species, the greed factor.  The desire to have more money than your  GOD.  The stupid mistakes we make every day in the quest for the almighty buck.
        Despite barely struggling out of a depression ( stop calling it a recession)  our own FHA continues to provide loans to people with barely the money to by a TV much less a home.   Now word from China, that their banks rather than learning from the mistakes of the captiolist pigs, have decide to emulate facist war mongering dogs, and loan money to people who also will default.  Meaning the Chinese banks may soon need a government bail out.  ( yes there government, but its still the act of greed and stupidity )
          We need a Leader with the testosterone level  ( male or female ) to make tough unpleasant decisions to get our nation growing on safe and sound footing.  Not based on the stock market alone, but on our employment numbers. The number of people who feel secure that their is food on the table and a warm dwelling in the winter.  A leader who will actually balance the  cost cutting and the revenue increases.
         My personal railing against religion, is a discussion for future blogs, but, a leader of the greatest nation in the world, should not be leading us based on an unknown.   I'm sorry, there is no proof positive on Supreme Beings, nor a Supreme Beings intervention, in events on our planet, so, basing decisions on pray and divine intervention, when 300, 000, 000 people await results, is NOT what I want to hear is our plan.
          The buffoons, rather the newer candidates of the republican party truly scare me.  I can understand some middle state bumpkin, who never dun  grag gi ated they 7 grade, cause they didn't need it.  Depending on God.  Our new religious growth is very similar to 60,000 years ago, the knowledge we had than did not explain how light from sky, burn tree, kill moose.   But our leaders, should understand what lightning is, and explain it to the farm belt. Theocracies are easy,  God decides everything, its in Gods hands, we need to pray and see what he wants.  Even a republic is harder.  You have to make decisions and live with them.
        The only thing I can see good about the religious faction in any country is if  I could get enough notoriety  to convince these people, "God told me to tell you,  save your money, stop buying garbage, boycott companies that can't prove they pay ALL their employees world wide a fair wage and provide benefits...yep God told me this last night, honest , oh one last thing, God said the oil industry belongs to Satan and he wants us all on renewable NOW "  than I could be religious again.
         Right now I'm asking you to make the decision, look hard at the character of the person you are voting on.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So world peace broke out this weekend????

        I don't know, if its me or the rest of the world.  The headlines  Conrad Murray convicted of Manslaughter, because of Michael Jackson.  That the doctor was a royal  As.. H...le   is a fact. And that he should not be allowed to treat living things, I agree... but page one ?  Breaking news??? 
           Kim Kadashian, yes this is a beautiful woman, but she was divorced after 20 seconds, and it makes news?  Front page ??
          Snooki  ( is this even a real name).    Even the Cain story,  the public is ready to dump him because he was sexually over active?   Never mind that, that he has no concept of what is going on in the rest of the world, he really believes his 9/9/9 tax plan will save the nation, and government social programs have to end, but we have to turn back the "hun" or the Muslims in there own country....that's ok??? But he had sexual encounters  in an in appropriate way, and denied it....that's why he shouldn't be president??
          I guess its tough to have honest politicians when the public is full of bull.    But that's not the point of this blog.   The message is, reporting on what impacts our lives, providing information to a public that will be voting for the leadership of our country.   Or voting for the congress and president , the governors, and mayors who will be taking orders from industry on how to rule us.
         We are pack animals and we focus on the trivia because its easier to deal with nonsense than real life.
Dancing with the stars doesn't cost us a dime, but an elected leader who wants to change the tax structure?
         " Lord Miss Scarlet, I don't know nothing  bout no capitol gains tax !"
           Yes  I agree, it would be nice to live in a world where the most important piece of news was " Did Paris Hilton wear undergarments last night?"   But we ain't there yet.   And if we avoid dealing with, the issues that do impact our lives, we won't get there either.  
           Instead of tweeting about,  " American Idol"  how about tweeting your representatives and telling them what you really want.   Write or call , and explain,   " Your not getting any more money until you take some action in house, besides voting on  " In God We Trust"
            Those confusing  tax laws, and what gets taught in school, impact you, allot more than which socialite is getting married, divorced, or cheating on their spouse.   Tiger Woods, plays golf, he does not decide if your son or daughter is being deployed to Afghnastian.     Its time to start digging for information, demanding  facts so we can make intelligent decisions, while there is still a nation to make intelligent decisions with.
             There will always be another   Snookie, Kim,  Sean,  or  Biff, there may not always be a United States of America.

Friday, November 4, 2011

          Yesterday was yet another plea by me for you to think before you act.  To take the time to get facts, information before you vote, before you support some position.
           Its natural for the average citizen to believe the people we elect or the people who have moved to positions of power and authority, "think" before acting.  Yet time and time again they open there mouths and prove, us wrong, that they don't think, and that often our elected officials are dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks.
             A few months ago the rising star Anthony Wiener,  couldn't remember texting women, simple flirting.  But he could remember an FBI investigation into some one "hacking" his twitter account.
             If you are sending photos of yourself in semi dressed photos, don't you believe you would remember this ?
               Now we have Candidate Cain, not remembering giving several women several thousand dollars rather than go to court.   This would mean  A)  he has to pay off people rather than go to court so often that the sexual harassment  has been forgotten.
     B) he has so much money a  few thousand dollars doesn't mean much to him
    C) He is facing court appearances so often that  2 or 3 events have faded in his memory
    D) He is a lying sack of sh...   trying to weasel his why out of an embarrassing situation
     E) all of the above
     Both case prove the stupidity of potential people of power.   Had Either of them, just come clean, and stated it was a dumb moment in their lives, real sorry, never happen again ( until next time) , I would bet any amount their campaigns would have moved forward.  Yes there would be some people with moral indignation, but those are the fringe folk any way, neither of the candidates would get them.
          Hey lets look at global stupidity.   We have our own government bailing out banks but not stipulating ..." We are loaning you money so you can loan the people money to pay down there loans and keep the money moving"  Nope neither Obama or Bush could put that math equations together.
          Recently we had ex Governor of New Jersey  Corzine   sink a successful government by over extending in foreign bonds.  Now this is while the global economy is tanking. Its not like this was a mystery, you and I knew about it, so a big shot financial wizard who has access to inside information should have realized that the European Economy isn't much better than our own. 
        We have the Greek Government, bailed out twice already, rioting citizens in the street angry over the measures necessary to economically recover, but the Prime Minister figures this is something to put to a vote.
         Should we take the money from Germany and France or not.   Which really meant, " I don't have the balls to decide, let me blame the ordinary citizens this way I still look good"
          I once did a satire on  Wall Street:   40, 000 years ago, on the great plains a herd of buffalo munching the spring grass and just talking among themselves.  You figure they have been around for Milena and know what they are doing.... so lets listen in on a couple of  buffalo drinking buddies
Burt:   Hey  Nog, good grass here, right
Nog:   yea...snarg sure can pick the spot
Burt:  Yes, better than yesterdays grass, that was kinda dry, hey did you hear, Gnu thought he saw a lion in the bushes two days ago?
Nog.  A lion, why didn't he say something
Burt:  He wasn't sure, and didn't want to start a panic
Snerf:  WHAT LION, WHERE, ???
Burt:  two days ago.. in
Harvey : LION  RUN FOR YOU LIVES !!!!!!
Snerf:    Everyone this way !!!!
so the stamped starts,  hundreds if not thousands of buffalo running full speed

Burt: hu hu ( breathing heavy )  why are we running ...hu hu hu ?
Nog:  Harvey spotted a lion .  hu hu hu
Burt,  But isn't that the cliffs ahead ...hu hu hu
Nog:   Yes, but there might be a lion back in those bushes..hu hu hu

Burt and Nog are survived by a  Vivian Buffalo and 4 small calf's.

I like this story, it reminds me of wall street, the commodity market, much of our human endeavors.  And when you get into the truth about how markets actually do move, often it is based on the same logic as my fictitious herd of buffalo.    If you think I'm joking, you have to read how these decisions are made.
     I to had faith in these folks working in these positions.  But something didn't seem right, so I started looking into certain information that was being given.  So called reasons for the market to move.
They didn't make sense.   Well not always  but often the reasons the markets move make less sense than the potential lion in the bushes.  At least Nog , and Burt  had the excuse of a brain pan about 75 percent smaller than ours.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The short of it.

Today's, blog is short  and simple.   If you are counting on politicians and the people in power to lead us into better times, you are in for a disappointment.
          Not until the majority of  us, the average person,  changes how we deal with the world and the issues we live with, can people who claim to lead, actually do anything worth a damn.
          WE, you and I have created a monster, with our leadership.  Governments, that govern for the good of ALL the population, need to compromise.  Its a fact.   You have to reach a point that a given set of rules, helps as many people as possible.  Than you look at the people not added by the first rule, and set up rule 2 to help them, and so on.
           At one time money and power was a goal, admit it, the majority of people wanted at the very least a share of both.   But now we have allowed power, which gets you access to money and money to become the ruler of us all.  
         You have to have the newest " I PAD"  the newest car, the newest fashion.   To do that you need money, and to get money, you forget about the person next to you.   ( Ok this is a whole series of blogs, but it is a bases of what is going on, if you don't believe me, just check the latest news, about jobs  leaving China because its to costly)
           What it means is, we have leveraged our leaders to focus on the same thing.  Some where as we became adults, we thought, " Well we can be power or money hungry, but our president or representatives will maintain the balance and do the right thing "
           How is that working for ya ?
             This is way I started this blog, ( yes I know I said this already)   You need to understand, we as a species like easy paths, "85 percent of the worlds population is dumber than a box of rocks with 5 percent dumber than that "  we including our leaders, or elected officials will also take the easiest path in decision making open to them.
         They  rationalize,  A)  We are representatives,
                                     B) we need to get elected to represent our society
                                     C) to get elected we need money to get our message out
                                     D) To get that money, its ok to make deals with people who have money and I will protect my constituents after I'm elected.
                                    E) Oh well we need more money to stay in power, so maybe just a few more deals and I can stay honest ?
Than there are the leaders, the alpha types who think like this :
A)  I got mine, the money the power, screw the rest of the population lets party !
                 We created this, it took thousand of years, and we refined it to the point that officials start running for office AGAIN  a few months after they get into office.
                  To fix this will require work.   WE  you and I have to find people who look like they still care about all of us.  Those willing to think rationally and make fair deals that benefit our society.  Than we have to  contact and support these people.
                Like I said, it will take work, we need to stop supporting people who don't care about YOU or I .
Including companies.   ( oh hurt business, job looses oh oh ??? )  Do you think those companies care about you or I besides beyond how much money we spend on there product.    Time to see what those companies want, what do they support.    I am not so naive as to think we can stop buying items or services, but we can say no to many things.   Let companies know, if  You  the Corporation ( which according to Congress is a person, gee I wonder if a corporation can marry a same sex corporation now?)   Any way, if they support something contrary to what we want, than we can fight back with our wallets.
             Its not fun  ladies and gentlemen, but it is our survival.  Or we can role over and continue to let greed run our governments.  This is a world wide issue, and we do have a means of fighting back.   We can communicate with people across the planet,  lets start the discussions, and decide how we will LEGALLY  fight back. 
           For right now, flood the halls of congress with emails and letters to  compromise.  taxes and cut backs now.   Fair Taxation and Fair  Reduction in Entitlement programs Now.  Lets make Tee shirts  ( FTFREP NOW  sounds like  fetrep.  )  We can make the TEE Shirts in  Cambodia, in one of the sweat shops where they use children for  10  cents a shirt  using toxic inks and recycled cloth  made from used hospital bandages. and  sell the shirts  for  20 dollars, using our profits to buy a congress person and maybe a couple of judges  because they come cheaper by the dozen, open a shadow company off shore so we don't have to pay taxes on the shirts, hey this can work ?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

reality check. yes I know it hurts, but only for a second.

Ok, repeat, but its important. 
Regulations and lower corporate taxes or  reduced taxes on people making over 200, 000 dollars are NOT going to boost the economy.  
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/26/opinion/its-consumer-spending-stupid.html?_r=1&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss    Read here, I'm not the only one telling you this.

Corporations are  like small children, if their is a margin or  .000001 % to be made on something and they believe that people will buy allot of somethings, they will make the factory bigger, put more people to work and sell the "day glow widgets "
          The only reason corporations give a rats butt about regulations is because they are greedy, mentally feeble who want more more.   For you much older folk  consider the cartoon character Daffy Duck...." gimme gimme gimme"    But at the end of the day if there is money to be made the company will sell you  pet rocks or  buffalo chips in acrylic.
The European Court of First Instance, in a starkly worded summary read to a courtroom of about 150 journalists and lawyers here, ordered Microsoft to obey a March 2004 commission order and upheld the €497.2 million, or $689.4 million, fine against the

Do you see Microsoft pulling out of Europe?  No, because even with this ruling, Microsoft is making money.     So dropping regulations would increase the profit margins, but not enough that they leave if the regulations are not dropped.  
         While it can be said that some of the regulations prevent a company from starting, which I agree is bad.  Its not that simple, if the start up company could not operate safely, than the regulation served its purpose.
        Routinely  we folk make fun, poke jokes when we see a regulation that says:  "A cereal cannot contain more than .001 parts insect carcass"  or  pills that warn, side effects may cause death.
        Well what do you think  would happen in a free market if the regulations however NOT all encompassing, what would happen if there were NO regulation.
          Oh you say, I would buy another product.   If there were no regulations do you think the other company wouldn't allow  1.9 percent insect carcass?
        Than I wouldn't buy that product at all?  Fine, why do you buy it now than? 
Yes I'm picking the easy subject, because this is a blog, and I'm making a point.
     Additionally the regulation for bidding  more than .oo1 bug guts in your cereal doesn't stop the company from making the cereal.  They make money and continue to make as sure as possible there are limited number of bug parts in there.
         I think its very funny when people, react to insects in the restaurant.  You live on a planet where they the bugs outnumber us over  1000 to 1, do you really think that the restaurant you just paid 150 dollars for a steak and  3 mini carrots doesn't have any bugs there.   These places are just better at making sure you don't see them.
           This is the long way around of saying regulations do not stop a company from making money,  nor will the removal make the economy move.
           Which companies closed because of  ( wait for it ) the taxes were to high ?   Yep, companies are moving to other places, to increase there profit margin, however, you can not just say, ok, we will reduce our cultural or society standard of living, lower the taxes so these companies can make more money and will stay here.
           Remember, if we ain't buying, it don't matter if you are making cheap stuff in China.
And if we ain't working we ain't buying.
          Its with great amusement, I have been reading about Chinese companies closing to move to Malaysia, because China is becoming to expensive.  
          No matter the taxes or regulations   companies will grow, if they can make a profit.
High price jobs, with expensive benefits in the U.S.  means the worker will buy the over priced blue ray copy of  "Survivor Island, lake Michigan", which puts money in the  pocket of our poor media industry.
         Once again the point  is not so simple.   Very little in our world is  "black or white"  yet we attempt to pigeon hole an issue into true/ false, yes/no.  Fair regulations, and proper taxation can help, but ultimately its the consumer spending that determines how any economy will do. 
             Our economy in the U.S. is proof, a living example.  The majority of established companies have more cash than they know what to do with. ( a figure of speech, they are investing the money to make more money)   They are neither expanding their business, buying new equipment or hiring new employee's.
           Another example is giving the masses free money.  There is no guarantee that giving money for disaster relief or to pay their debts that people will actually do that. 
           A congress that will not allow tax reductions for business that promise to hire Americans, so those Americans can go out and buy products and services.
          Why is it, that no one in congress will pass a bill that says,  " You promise to hire  X number of Americans, in return you reduce your corporate tax  X number of dollars.   If you take the reduction and do not hire those people, you will pay back the money including penalties.   If you fire those people or lay them off in less than 5 years without good cause,  You will pay back the money.   Here are the acceptable reasons, per a national standard, pretty much accepted across the country"
             Such a bill is not taking away any ones freedom... you are free not to take the money, but if you do here are the conditions.
           Here Mr. Bank, he is bail out money, but you must loan that money out to people who will spend it to grow the economy, OR failing that, you will spread that money out to reduce the debt on X number of loans to people with incomes of  X.
         Perhaps the old model of economies, was applicable, that business with low taxes and few regulation grew an economy, but no more, at least not now.
            This morning driving in, the radio reported that Greece will put its new austerity measures and bail out  to a referendum before the Greek people !.  This is much like the Dutch putting to a vote  "Should we be flooded this year or not?"    Economically the Greeks  ( among others ) are in poor shape, but that doesn't stop them from being dumber than a box of rocks.  We will vote on  taking the bail out or not.  And if we don't we will do what?   I don't like to predict election results, but I think the rioting, burning of shops and vehicles is a pretty good indicator of how the vote will go.
           I started this blog explaining human nature in my overly simplified way, and continue to show you examples.  The Greeks are just they latest, with the battle cry  "Freedom"  or "You will have to pry my retirement check from my cold dead hands "  which could be soon if their is no money backing that retirement check.
           I started these blogs, with the intent to prove the 85 percent rule, which started as a joke, is no longer funny and it is as real as you or I.   Knowing its true is not meant to be a magic bullet, to fix anything.
Knowing it is true has always been a way of understanding what is going on around you, and using that knowledge to make better decisions.   If you know some one is deciding irrationally, you than decide your own path.  Hell you might decide to vote/buy/sell/act irrationally too, but do it with the knowledge you made a clear cut decision based on facts you have on hand.  Don't do it because the "herd" has decided. 
Do it because you have decided its the best course of action for you.   
         As bad as I feel now voting for Obama,  I can not in good justice have voted for McCain.  McCain became a tool of the his party.   I was a McCain supporter right up to 2000, when he decided to stop being the Maverick.   Despite what you read here, I am at heart a Republican, waiting for my party to sober up and become pragmatic again.   Some one needs to prove to me that  "God is actually getting his 10 percent" as the republican candidate suggested a few days ago.    Cause if God is getting 10 percent, its time to lay a corporate tax on God.   Remember the republicans are calling for a flat tax with no more loop holes, not me.