Friday, September 30, 2011

The nothing special blog for a nice Friday

           My co worker from another life, had suggesting placing "The 85 percent rule"  in a blog format.  My way of getting the message out to people.  I honestly don't care about a financial compensation, ( although if you insist on sending money....oh never mind ) but although he did not completely agree with the rule,  he suggested the blog.
             If you have not read any of the other blogs, the 85 percent rule, is a statement on the human condition.  Why we act the way we do.   85 percent of the entire world population alive now, or who ever lived, or who ever will live, is dumber than a box of rocks.   5 percent of the remaining population is dumber than the 85 percent, 5 percent are normal intelligence and 5 percent are scary smart.  They are so smart, none of us really understand them, but its good they are around.
           Dumber  or dumb to me, means correct information is out there, or its actually easy to find and yet an individual or a group decides to use partial information, inaccurate information, lies,  rumors, to make decisions.   They do this because its easier not to find the truth, its safer to decide with the pack, its more convenient to believe the lie.   All of which equals  really dumb people.
         We are ALL guilty of doing this one time or another, and we need to work at not thinking with the 85 percent or 5 percent dumber.
           This is really an important concept, when you realize, our politicians, our elected officials, or corporation  leaders, our clergy and spiritual leaders, our police , military, everyone you count on,  ALSO  are effected by this rule of being dumber than a box of rocks. 
               You counted on them being smarter, not so.  They are human, they are also herd animals, pack animals, they do stupid things, really stupid things.    Being warned about this condition, it is YOUR task to  THINK.  To make decisions based on fact.
           My blog on Pakistan could be an considered one of  my dumb moments, but I am just tired of giving money to a people who make no apologies about a desire to kill me or my fellow countryman.    
             In the spirit of being honest,  I do not believe in any supreme being.  Many years ago, I did, I was raised with religion, received all but one sacrament.  While I do understand our species need for belief in a supreme being, I do not see the logic in it.  Or I do not understand the logic of belief in the style of God most religions claim to believe in. 
             But given that many people do believe, for me an important issue is ( and I have stated this before ) how can you negotiate with some one who either actual believes they are being directed by God, or has to pretend so deeply that they believe.  ( they have to pretend in order to have the mass of people , continue following them)   If God is directing you  ( if you believe God is directing you) than what is there to negotiate with man about.   God told you this land is yours, who is man, the united nations,  Palestine, Israel, Ireland to say its not yours or you need to share it.  God told  you  or your leader, its YOUR job to convert others in the world, and if they don't convert its your job to kill them.    How do we negotiate Gods orders.
         And when individuals  claim they are devote believers, it limits how they can respond, even if they are not true believers.  They need to maintain the facade of belief, or risk losing their followers.
          But religion in my blog needs to come after the election, we have bigger fish. 
Lies of omission and lies because candidates just find it easier to lie to us, and count on you and I not checking.
           First, I beg everyone to vote, the answer is not to not vote.  Not showing up at the polls does not frighten any candidate, it means they only need there constituents  to show up and it makes it easier to win with low turn out  ( except if both parties bases show up)   But vote, if you don't like the two parties please vote for the bizarre name you never heard of...  vote for the woman  dominatrix or the Albanian goat trader.... but cast a vote.  And stop sending money to the parties.  That is how to deliver a message, dry up campaign funds.  and show a high turn out voting for any one but the two main parties.   That's a message.  Not voting is an easy win for one of the two parties and lets face it, both of them are lacking.
       The Democrats are spineless, whining , in effective, out of touch, egotistical , idiots , with over active libidos, and lie about there private lives, the public lives are so poor no one really cares. 
         Republicans are all that and preach moral values while cheating on there families but they claim the devil forced them to do it.   However they lie about the stuff that gets you and I,   killed.   That is the difference. 
          If the tree hugger and democrats are wrong about global warming, we  will have spend allot of money getting off fossil fuels.  The economy will be slow for a lot longer, more jobs lost durning the adjustment, maybe less convenience for the average person, but at the end of the day, we wont depend on foreign oil , we would create new jobs with the new infrastructure and creation of renewable energy makes money available for other issues... the social  issues.
          If the Republicans are wrong about global climate change, the end result is you are dead!  Either the flood kills you , the food riots, the pollution, but you are dead.  So again what is the logical choice here.
         The republicans lied about economy,  higher taxes on the rich  do NOT create higher un employment.  I showed that historically that is not accurate, and empirically if  lower taxes create jobs, than ask where are the jobs NOW  taxes are low now  ( on the rich)  where are the jobs.
        The democrats are wrong on interest rates.   increase interest rates will get more money out there not less.  Why would any bank or company for the matter want to increase production or lending.   You borrow money from banks at low low interest and invest it  in stocks , bonds, derivatives  etc.    Why  would you  why would you build or create jobs with that borrowed money when you make more by investing it.  Make it less profitable to invest money into the market by increasing the interest rates.
          If I had my 3 wishes and they had to be on social issues and not me being filthy rich and universally intelligent , it would be   renewable energy, no industrial nation can do anything without energy, so wish one would be renewable cost effective energy, wish two would be quality ( QUALITY ) and free education.  Again no industrial society can survive without a WELL educated population , last, the proper balance on health care, between socialized heath care for emergency medicine and private for everything else. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What Pakistan and wife beating have in common.

         Before I get into this recent front page topic, I have to clarify my blog on taxes.  My friend and if you like  conscience , sent me information that seem to contradict my data,  high taxes, lower unemployment.
I wasn't clear, my apology.   The numbers I proved, where higher taxes on the top  10 percent of the economic ladder.  I picked that group because the republicans are stated the opposite, and history has proven them wrong.  So, the republicans, predicting taxing the rich leads to higher unemployment are either idiots, the information is easily available and to not use correct information makes you an idiot, or they are lying, which means they think YOU are idiots.   Additionally, the logic is proven flawed right now..... we have low taxes on the rich, and unemployment is still 9. 4 percent.   The excuse that is used is that the rich are waiting to see what happens. They are uncertain about the taxes.   How long they gonna wait??  Until all the middle and lower income people are un employed?   Until the president signs in blood and leaves his children as hostages that taxes will never go up?  Can't they predict their profits with a 40 percent tax? 
Any way, the republicans are wrong on this one.
           Pakistan, has made the news yet again, with information  that their government, rather their military and intelligence agency  has supported and aided in terror attacks in the region and now against American forces in Afghanistan.    Let us not forget that  Osama Bin Laden was living a short distance from their main military base/university.  This is not old news.   Once more I refer you to two very good books which are history now " Charlie Wilson's War"  " Ghost Wars" .  Both speak to the fighting in the region.  Both talk about Pakistan's military and intelligent agency  working with radical factions. 
         Since 2001 the United States has provided over 21 billion dollars in aid with another 7.5 billion slated for 2011.
           The United States is not a total innocent in this marriage ( see how I segway into the title...pretty neat haa)     We are guilty of using 3rd party groups to fight battles.  And we are as guilty as ever other nation of putting  our interest ahead of  other nations or national interest.  But there needs to be a line in the sand ( so to speak)   You need to say, "this isn't working" our interest are no longer the same, this isn't working and you have become counter productive".     There is something fundamentally wrong with pouring money into a country, that has a population who proudly proclaim they want YOU dead!    When you hear about a woman who's husband is beating her up, and you ask her why she doesn't leave him, and this woman responds  " I know he loves me"  this is a woman that needs help getting her priorty in order.  The United States is the woman , saying  " Pakistan isn't so bad"
Standing on the side line, you would tell this woman, that her husband is gonna kill you one day.
She says, but my neighbors are bullies and he protects me from them, and the children need a father.
You respond, the kids don't need an abusive wife beater, and the man is gonna kill you.  The neighbors might hurt you and might not, he is hitting you and throwing you down the stairs....walk away now.
          And if you don't like that analogy, I know my conscience will email me  LOL.  but this is also the country were beating your wife for real is not only allowed but encouraged,  beating a woman in public because she wears make up or exposed her face, and killing a woman who is raped because she went out without a male escort.  Which leads to the issue of everything is tied together, including education.  A large population that's primary education is religious in nature.  A religion that we will blog about another time, but this stuff isn't made up.   Religious leaders, who are abusive to there own people  ( insert women here ) has no problem with ordering the death of us foreigners.    I don't support infidelity by either gender, but I think it harsh to hang a woman or stone her.   A man only gets a beating.  
          This paragraph got thrown in, because unless a nation decides that certain social practices are detremental to that society and or to the world community,  you have no bases to communicate and negotiate .   If the population believes God is telling them, killing Americans is good, than how do you negotiate with them?  And if you can't negotiate with them, way the devil are you giving them 7 billion dollars.
           When I say "time to re evaluate our relationship"  that is politically correct speak for, "time to dump them and let India wipe them off the face of the planet."  Yes I know the email is coming, but I told you I wasn't a liberal

Monday, September 26, 2011

Education, for those that dont want to compete with the box of rocks

Education is the path to learnin.  That simple statement boils it all down.  Want to be a fireman, and accountant, an astronaut, you need to learn certain things.  Education is not limited to a class room but for the purpose of this blog, lets deal with that.  Especially since the United States is doing so poorly at it.
          I know I keep doing this, repeating key phrases, its a method of reinforcing concepts.  Some
call it brain washing, I like reinforcing myself. Reinforcing has a nicer ring to it. : )
         There are very few absolutes, and pretty much everything in life is tied together.  The butterfly in Tibet flaps its wings, causing air currents to create a storm that delays a ship with a cargo;  so the delievery truck driver gets angry at working so late,  he isnt paying attention and hits the power post that powers computer that decides who wins the Globe Awards  so  NJ shores  sweeps the awards.   Got the idea??
          Everything is tied together, but dont waste alot of time working on the connections for now.
Education, this is a biggy in the list of what needs to get straightened out here. 
         Follow along with me, the most important issue for an industrialized society, ( Insert America) is energy.   ( Its not a tangent get over it)  Energy in all its forms makes our society function.  Now, better ways to make and use energy come from educated people.  
         Educated people cure our illness, and disease.  Educated people fly us across the country and Steer the cruise ships.   They do NOT have to be well educated to function, but do you want some one who still believes the world is flat and the sun circles the earth piloting the air craft you just boarded, or doing the operation on your heart ?
         This leads us to the subject at hand.  YOU and I have to focus on education for our children, and to some extent ourselves.  The link below, is a set of statistics showing the ranking of the United States as compared to other countries in the world.    At first glance, it might not depress you, until you stop to think, the countries not listed are truly third world, but more important.  Your children,  no longer compete with  Bobby and Sally down the block for jobs and careers.  Your children compete with  Raj and  Ju Ling from on  the planet for those jobs.
         When you want your economy to grow, and you want your economy to become more self sufficient. When you want  new technology and new methods to use the limited resources, etc.  you need educated people.  In the  long term, short term, you need people who know what they are doing. 
        Cutting teachers jobs, is dumb.  Cutting education programs is suicidal.  We might as well all "suck on the end of the barrel of a gun", because our government, our elected officials have decided that the education programs can wait another 10 years, while ( wait for it ) corporations that are moving our jobs over seas, get tax breaks for moving over seas, tax breaks on their record profits.  Let's  not forget Tax breaks to drill for oil ????
             You and I are not off the hook.   Just throwing money at education is also stupid.  But paying teachers and professors and eduators a good wage, no wait paying them a decent  a good competitive wage, so that people want to teach, with a salary a family can live on and beneifts to help families get on in the world.  That is needed. 
            Teachers do  need to be held accountable.   My job and I guess most of you, do not have a  " cannot terminate employment until 2020", card.   There shouldn't be a free ride, and if you can not do your job you need to be fired.  
            But a large majority of educators are good and deserve more money than they are currently getting paid.    Teachers should be Middle Middle income  working to the upper end of the middle income and the low end of the rich so "we are going to tax you to hell and back" type of incomes.
              I have to confess I dont have a method to fairly evaluate a teacher, but until the major problem blocking education is addressed,  the use of student test scores is not a fair method to evalute teachers.
          The major problem with our schools;  number one ?   Pick up a mirror, look into to it, if you ever complained that 3 hours of home work is too much,,, its you, your the problem.  If you complained because a teacher scolded your child for talking or jumping around, for hitting another student or the teacher, your the problem.  
           Yes I am one of those who walked 10 miles to school up hill both coming and going in 4 feet of snow in August.   Seriously,  I didnt like school.  Come to think of it, I still don't, but its necessary, and taking responsibility is as important in the class room as any where.    I had "bad" teachers, not all but we had some there that were shocked to learn an eclipse was not the moon goddess expressing anger.   You know what, my parents made up the difference.  Both my parents and later my sister helped me with school work. 
       We didnt blame the schools, my parents made sure I did the work,   This fascination with blaming society and the government, cause your child cant read, is nonsense to the nth degree.   You and your children are not so busy you cannot work on reading, and arithmatic, and what ever other lessons they have at home. 
          Statistically, soccer, tennis, getting your nails done and play dates will not put food on your childrens table when they grow up.  If you dont understand that thought or concept and you cant read the statistics, than you should be doing much more home study and less time on facebook.
       Parents need to address the issues of there childresn learning and than follow up with why they are not learning in school. ( if that is the case.)  
          I realize that the 30 minutes ( if you were lucky it was that long ) the 30 minutes of pleasure, did not get you ready for the life time of parent hood.... but you know what.  You made the children they are your responsibility.   "Never mind you pay taxes."   So did I, never stopped my wife or myself for working with our children on school work.   Stop and think about this, your children are the next generation. When you are old and in a nursing home, they will be taking care of you ! Or directing the people taking care of you.  Wouldnt it be nice if they could read, that medicine bottle before they gave you the wrong pills? (unless you do have heart worm).    If they could add without taking off their shoes and socks to count their  toes? 
         It would just be a bonus if they knew  New York  was not spelled  Nuw Yark and was located on the eastern coast of the United States and not in Brazil?   Our test scores on average are embarrassing, but we shouldn't laugh because one day they will be incharge of us.   Or the Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Swedes will be in charge of your children because your children are too dumb to function.
        Any person regardless of there status who states  testing is not fair... or a fair method to judge a childs progress.... stay away from them, do not support them, do not let them use your air.  They are idiots most likely dropped on their heads as children.   Our children, your children need to be held accountable for the next 18 or so grades, prove they learned something, and be prepared to deal with disappointments. 
        NO we are not all winners.  Any one who claims "we are all winners" and believes that is is in the 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent dumber than a box of rocks.  The constitution may have said all men are created equall, but just like the internet, you can't believe everything you read.    If that statement were true I would be a multibillionair with my corporation off shore, paying 10 percent taxes and not writing a blog.
        We do not need the other extreme of screaming or yelling at the child who didnt win...kind words of encouragement and a better luck next time, maybe more study, is good.  There is no need to be cruel to a child that failed,  but do you want the "every body is a winner even when you are dead last, and not good at being last either , removing the brain tumor from your skull??"
         So lets see... we do need to fund education, but programs that work and prove they work,  hard data that shows its effective.  We need to pay teachers across the board.  I hate people making more than me and Im not qualified to teach, but I give the devil there do. 
         You want to teach a room full of kids, you deserve a good salary, I dont care if they are off 3 months a year. 
             Parents need to takes responsibility unconditionally of  there children.  Until or even if the schools do a good job, you need to work with your children, making sure they get the lessons being taught in school.                 We also need to fund trade schools  as well as colleges and grammar schools.  The education does NOT have to be college level, the trades and blue collar type work  are just as important to a society. 
Not everyone belongs in college, but don't look down your nose at a skilled trades person.  Not all professions are taught in college and some that are, are not taught well.
          The next  issue that most parents and teachers do not care for but must be addressed.  The school year has to be longer.
        Focus, I already told you, your children are no longer competing with kids down the block, the jobs are going to kids around the world.   If the United States does not get better at Math, Science, languages;  than we will not even be making the souveiners that your children and grand children will be selling on the road side to foreign tourist. Those tourist will be saying  " Do you remember when the United States used to be a super power?"
         Wait, what did Frank say, he didnt say learn english he said  language... why thats un merican!!!!
Get over it "sunshine", the United States of America, needs, should be demanding , language being taught in first grade.  Even if we maintain and number one status, we should be multilingual.  Chinese, spanish, german, russian, french, etc.  These should be taught in first grade and mandatory through to high school
        Its not happening unless our system of education gets better, longer hours of actuall class room,  better pay for our educator, more accountability from our educators  and the parents working with the children, and accepting the responsibility that the children have to work, that work is becoming intelligent men and women.   School is not supposed to be day care.   It is a disgrace if any member to the team, parent, teacher , student believe school is day care.  It would explain the low test scores but this isnt something to be proud off.
        I once did a quick study, to pay for college for 4 years to any one for free,  2 cents on all gasoline, diseal, fuel for planes etc.  2 cents per gallon.  The student buys there education that is, get a 3.8 or better gpa, your education is free.   below 3.8 you get partial payment.  Anything below 2.4 gpa you pay the whole bill. Major in math or science and get other bonuses.   Go on to teach, and we can give you monitary rewards.
       Fixing this is all do able, we just need to remember we are Americans, not republicans or democrats, we are Americans, not Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or born again....we are Americans, we were number one, we liked it, were staying, were Merica, thank you very much.


Friday, September 23, 2011

85 percent of the entire worlds population is dumber than a box of rocks 5 percent are dumber than that and were elected to congress.  
        I find it necessary to repeat myself, to drive home a point. 
         Until 2004 I voted straight republican, I mean down the line, even dog catcher.
But I vote for the person that I believe will help me and my family.  I vote for people I believe will help this country which in turn usually helps my family.   I hate paying taxes, I'm fond of money.  Rather I like what money can do.   Having stated that, I find the republicans especially the Tea Party are the most destructive force in the United States since Hurricane Katrina and the last 7 big earth quakes.
          Forgetting that the republicans are attempting to turn the US into a theocratic nation second only to Pakistan, with little difference between the extremist. The economic policy put forth is a lie.  Not a difference of opinion, but a lie.   A lie is a belief or statement put forth when you know the truth and put forth the false hood any way.
       The republicans are telling the public that increase taxes will kill jobs.  Well if that is correct, than where are the jobs NOW???
We are living with the some of the lowest tax rates this nation has seen, and almost the worst unemployment.   So where are all those jobs the millionaires are going to create with the lower rate??????  What are they waiting for ?????/
      Once again those awful facts get in the way, and here are some boring numbers that are facts any one can check.
1941  unemployment = 9.6 coming out of a depression, tax rate on the wealthy 80%
jump to
1960  unemployment = 6.6   tax rate  = 91 percent...yes that is 91 percent but look at employment rate
1971 unemployment = 5.9   tax rate   = 65 percent
1981  unemployment =7.5  tax rate   = 60 percent  hmmmm
1991  unemployment  =6.4  tax rate =  31 percent
2001  unemployment=  4.2  tax rate =  39 percent
2011  unemployment = 9.2  tax rate  = 35 percent..
are you seeing a pattern here.the higher taxes  have LOWER unemployment.  Yet the republicans are telling you the opposite.  Well if they are not basing on history, because history proves the higher rates have better employment numbers what are they basing their predictions on????   Perhaps when God spoke to  Perry or Michelle god told them lower taxes would increase the employment?   Perhaps the Corporation Gods  told the republicans no new taxes  or your donations dry up.....but historically that isn't true either.  So where are the republicans getting their economic theory from?
          Well it doesn't matter since its wrong, and it must be a lie, because it took 3 minutes to look up documented figures
         I try to be honest with my statements, and in the spirit of honesty, I know that is not as simple as higher taxes lower unemployment.  However, the congress, the senate, economist , the pundits  are NOT being honest, they are over simplifying so, for the debate its simple, higher taxes lower unemployment.
         Rest easy the democrats aren't much better because they have neither the brains or the guts to refute what is obviously  nonsense being spread by the republicans.  The democrats are waiting for some one to put the truth into a sound bite they can use at the next talk show.
         The jobs are not being created because of greed. and greed equals stupidity.  The belief that you can push a population ever further, no work, no money, no health care, no education, but some how you believe your company or you will continue to make money.  The sad thing is that it does work for a while.  But eventually, there does come a breaking point. As bad as it might seem now, it can get worse.  Now we still have the chance to fix the problems.   I don't know of many people who want to pay taxes...but we want our standard of living, we like roads, and schools, and hospitals.  Government officials like 16 dollar muffins, free golf outings and free vacations in Europe, so they can study  "dog parks" and "bicycle paths", you know the important things.  Some one has to pay for it, its time to raise taxes FAIRLY,
So the next time some one says  taxes destroy jobs, just quote this blog.  Now  I have to go drink my 8 dollar coffee and 6 dollar box of Crack or Jacks.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

16 dollar muffins = 85 percent dumber than rocks.

           Possible you have read the story of our  Justice department practice of spending our money on 6 dollars  cans of soda, 16 dollar muffins, 8 dollar cups of coffee?  But our justice department , most likely in an effort to prove it can spend money faster and dumber than any other government department, paid these prices for several hundred persons at each conference.  Spending 10's of millions on conferences  in 2008, 2009.  This way  president Bush and Obama get to look bad.
            It is possible that the Department of Justice, has continued to waste money, and had done it longer than 2008.  Additionally, it is most likely  just the story of the day, thus leaving out the other agencies that toss tax dollars away  like used Kleenex.     Why this blog could focus on wasteful spending, with ease, however....yes there is a  "however"   The poor choice by Justice in picking the venue that charges 16 dollars a muffin is not the real issue.
         How many of you recall, many years ago. the story about the air force coffee maker for several hundred dollars.  The head line was infuriating to tax payers.   Had the story dug deeper  ( it did but that would not have sold papers to tell the whole story ) the coffee maker was designed to go on, than B -52 bombers, which frequently flew days at a time. It had to with stand, combat maneuvers ( that a B-52 ) could make, last under the conditions of those flights, and possible combat missions.
           The 16 dollar muffin isn't the issue, the real issue is how does a muffin get to cost 16 dollars.
Beyond the fantastically  stupid who will pay 16 dollars because they believe this muffin is made with virgin Tibetan flour and the filtered perspiration of  25 confirmed Saints, and miracle workers the 16 dollars is over head. 
          Now you or I making a muffin at home, if we include what we paid for material,  $1.50 a muffin.  Lets not include our time.   But in the service industry that muffin cost lets say ingredients cost, cost 75 cents per muffin.  Lets give the cook 100 dollars per hour.  ( most of them working for hotel or convention center are not making that, but lets make it 100 dollars per hour ) and between pre time and cooking  that is one hour.  So there is $100 dollars. but a decent cook can make at least 100 if not more muffins in that time, so we have 100 dollars to the cook and  75 dollars in ingredients of $175 dollars for 100  muffins  or $ 1.75 cents per muffin to put out there for the idiots from justice.  Don't do an ah ha yet. 
Hotels have other expenses  that come out of the muffin.  Setting up the venue,,, the tables and chairs, serving ware.  heating and or cooling,  water, glass, audio system, cleaning, each item has to take a portion of the expense and be charged to the muffin. But not 10 times the actual cost.
        Remember each item is being billed on that conference, and each item, the coffee, the set up, the chair rental, each is taking a piece of the invoice for this conference.  
          Lets look at what makes  everyone involved dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks.
The conference room being provided is not "free"   beyond the advertising which is free to the hotel by having the Justice department there, we have  potential guest of the conference or families using the hotel to stay.
They are charging for the free room by over charging for the services.
           The same financial brains who have plunged the world into financial crisis  repeatedly over the last 60 years, has come up with ways to over complicate business.
           First lets cut to the heart of the matter.   The reason that financial people do this, is not to operate more efficiently, they come up with these plans and concepts to justify their jobs.   Other wise  you wouldn't need so many of these very stupid people making life more complicated than it needs to be. 
          I say stupid, because they don't even realize the problems they cause, nor do they realize their processes are largely in efficient and costly.  Finical people are the worst offenders  thinking that  the organization must fit them, and not the other way around.  For  example...  General Motors makes cars so the financial department will have something to do.  This is how they think, and as a result, make everyone else miserable.
           Point two.... while making everyone else miserable the heads of these departments  get on their spread sheets and determine.   " If we took the profit from this 16 dollar muffin and put it into  Apple Computer stock, we could be making 10 percent more money, than if we put the profit back into the company  to do our muffin making better, we would only make   6 percent more money"
             No I'm not making this up, perhaps exaggerating but this is how they think.
             Very few Executives have the brains or courage to remind the  Financial executives
" Listen we make and sell muffins, we are not an investment firm, our profits come from muffins not investing in  "Apple" or  " Face Book"   
            So the financial department gets what ever it wants, including a less efficient operation over all.
Which leads us back to the 16 dollar muffin.  In order to show  profits comparable to investing in "Gold Futures"  the hotel has to charge 16 dollars for the muffin and 6 dollars for the can of  Coke. 
           While it is true that the Dept of Justice are a group of people worthy of our scorn and contempt, the real bad guys in this are the financials who lie and cheat and have sold there souls to the almighty dollar.
          I'm not suggesting losing money, I'm only suggesting that you make money with the business you are in and not worry about how much more you would get if you invested it.    Your supposed to be what you enjoy doing your company to make cars, books or muffins.  Investing in that to increase your profits.   Stop and think when you hear that a given company has lost money this year.   More times than not, they didn't actually  loss money... they just didn't make as much money as they had projected they would, or as much as they made last year... or as much as they could of had they invested their profits....but they made money.. they paid there salaries and covered there operating cost and the owners and shareholders  put some cash in there own pockets... so they made money, just not enough to satisfy the mentally corrupt and defective   
           And less you feel intimidated by their lofty  MBA, or BS, or certificate of finance...if you can balance your check book , they are no smarter than you.   They might know more laws than you, but that is doubtful
The 16 dollar muffin is a symptom of a disease called greed  and greed equals  the 5 percent dumber than the  85 percent   dumber than a box of rocks.   Now its time for some coffee and my $ 1. 50 muffin

Monday, September 19, 2011

And the winner is......

           Good morning all.    Last night Sunday Sept. 18,  as I did NOT watch, the entertainment industry pat itself on the back,  I thought about how the entertainment industry has come along way. 
          Many of you are old enough to remember  double features in the movies that cost  75 cents .  TV  programs were 50 minutes long and  and reruns only happened during the summer.  There were at least  30 new episodes of your favorite series.
          Now with cable you and I pay to watch 10 minutes of commercials for every 30 of air time. Yes you are paying for commercials. That isn't what the industry tells us, they tell us the commercials keep cost down. But your cable bill doesn't know that, so you are paying to watch commercials. You are paying to watch series seasons that last 20 new shows the rest are repeats. In this world there are 52 weeks per we pay to have more than 50 percent of the programs as repeats.     We pay for  so called marathons which are really cheap ways to run , reruns ...and we pay for this, we pay for  stations that are infomercials.  We pay period.
             Bottom line folks... of all the issues we , you and I can actually control or influence, of the few we can impact in a short time !!!!  The entertainment industry....Yes.  
           Do you like paying 120 dollars for theater tickets.   How about for a baseball game, and a 4 dollar hot dog?  
           People, I know everyone has to live, but 4 dollars  gets you a pack of 24 hot dogs and the buns !.
How about a good ol  American boycott.   How about not watching or attending any professional sporting event for the next year,  than no movies or TV.  for a year. 
          It sounds harder than it is.  The message is clear, cut the cost people.  Bring these down to earth.
We don't need any of this to live.  I know you do deserve the relaxation , but people this is a message the industry can understand. Its the only one they 
                 I also realize its not the people in the stands selling the food, or  the ticket agent in the box.  But the actors, the  people behind the camera, the trainers, the athletes and the owners.  Making hundreds of thousands , if not millions.    Well enough people.  They can still make comfortable livings without robbing the pubic.   15 to 18 dollars each for  3D movies ?   Baseball games running  6 hours so they can get in all the commercials.   3 1/2 hours for a game with 4  (15) minute quarters. 
          If you want to make a mark, let them know you aren't dumber than the 85 percents, organize the boycott, stop watching stop attending.   YOU are paying them to advertise their teams, there events.
 Media sports, theater, movies and TV  pay hundreds of millions to  advertise themselves But they charge YOU a premium to wear a shirt or cap with there name on it.  You are advertising for them and paying them for the right to do it.   Is that not dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks?  Trust me, it wont take a year for them to start reducing the prices.    There is no real value to pay these performers ( TV  Movies, athletics ) millions of dollars, but because the front office and owners are getting that kind of money, they wanted it.  So it spiralled out of  control.  And its one of the few things we can spiral back into control.  Lets pick the week after Thanksgiving....the money week, start the boycott and tell your friends and neighbors, no movies no TV.... rent and old movie ( yes I know they get royalties)  rent a computer game, go outside, play board games... bring the entertainment industry down to earth.   Sure not going to work with one or two people, but get the numbers boycotting up and watch what happens.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Who needs the truth any way???

     I have already explained, there is truth....absolute truth.  If people or a person have decided not to believe that truth, or decides to distort, twist, subjectively only use part of a truth.   Not much I can do about it. But there is truth.  Some questions, we do not yet have the answers for, however there is an answer and lets hope they humans continue to search.
           Mean while back on the planet, we have  politicians.   I must revert to sarcasm to express the frustration here, but it would appear that politicians , elected, appointed, taking the position in a coup, are genetically engineered to use all of the possible whys to tell a lie and avoid truth at all cost. 
        It has become very scary that we average people have come to expect them to lie. 
We offer excuses for them to explain away the lie.   If an airline pilot forgets to lower the landing gear, I don't think any one would say  " Everyone makes a mistake"    If a heart surgeon forgets leaves the scalpel in your chest, would you say.. " It happens"  and let it go at that.    We hold different people to different standards, based on what they do, what they  provide for a society.   Police are supposed to uphold the law of society and protect society from people intent on breaking laws.  Doctors are supposed to keep us in good health or restore us to good health.  We as a society are not very forgiven when some one drops the ball on their profession.   Well Elected officials are supposed to represent our wishes, and are supposed to keep us informed about issues we need to decide to run this society.   So why do they get a lie by  distortion of facts, omission of facts, or providing incorrect information.
          Michele Bachmann, has flubbed enough information to have a normal person thrown from a race. 
Her views on science are down right scary, that she preaches  natural selection is not evolution, should give most people pause.  But that doesn't directly impact society , YET.   That Michele Bachmann preaches to the nation a vaccine against a form of cancer, in women can cause mental retardation, In my mind is criminal.  Unfortunately  Ms. Bachmann has a following and they think she actually knows what she is talking about.  That Ms. Bachmann spoke without any facts, should concern voters.   When Ms. Bachmann a member of the House Intelligence committee suggested checking with  General Petraeus  ( Ret) regarding our action in Asia while referring to action in Libya, indicates she as a member of congress, has not  idea of the chain of command, or the geographic location of Libya.    The General who I personally admire had nothing to do with the African  Theater .   And Libya on the north of Africa is not considered Asia , unless of course we let China buy it?  If you want to be President, these things might come in handy to know.
          Rich Perry doesn't do much better, with his bragging about job creation, but neglecting to report in order to balance the state budget, many of the state jobs he helped create have to be eliminated this year.
        Nor does he discuss how many of the private sector jobs are actually paying wages that are close to accepted levels of poverty.   Mr. Perry's desire to reduce regulation is right in step with receiving campaign contributions  with those industries.   Nor does Mr. Perry explain to the 85 percent dumber than rocks  and 5 percent dumber that his administration has fought the EPA and  Texas  protection agencies, to remove the regulations  that Mr. Perry is now bragging about.   So, Mr. Perry gets the money from industry to remove regulations but brags when the regulations work ??   Not to worry major polluters,  Mr. Perry is successful with allow low level radiation to be buried and stored near the city aquifers of a major city in Texas.  
Mr. Perry has also spoken with God, ( his words not mine ) awaiting God decisions, ( makes it tough for those decision that require a rapid response )   Nor does Mr. Perry believe in global warming or evolution.  Which if you don't believe in that, I guess is a good thing. however when your children are competing for work against nations that do believe in math and science, is Mr. Perry the right choice for a President ?
                 Democrats are not much better, they just lie more about sex and drugs.    Democrats also do better on the lie of omission.   Now we have a health care plan,  and if the tax on the health care plan goes through the way its written,  the average person will get to pay an additional, on top of every thing else   $5000.  dollars.  This could change, but... if you are in the 25 percent group, and you have declare your family plan as income, and the family plan is $20,000 dollars, that would be $5000 dollars additional.
           The good mayor of New York,  ( feel like picking on him )  I don't know why he has decided to champion his pet social issue, but he has.    So his statement regarding the tough smoking restrictions  sounds way  cool.  These restrictions  will  reduce premature deaths by  50000 people over the next 40 years.  ( no I'm not joking, he actual bragged about this)   so the 1250 deaths per year,  will just about make up for the   1540 deaths annual for alcohol abuse.   Which the good mayor has not championed any restrictions on.
         Statistics actually can be manipulated, however there is an absolute truth.  Numbers, facts figures, do have a value and a truth.    Before you support someone;   as  fossil fuels become more expensive, as the global climate change impacts weather and food.    As drinkable water becomes scarce.   While you watch a loved one go off to fight a war.    Take the time to find out  what the truth is??

Thursday, September 15, 2011

" Its the economy stupid, no wait its the stupid economy" !

     A friend suggest I focus on one topic at a time while blogging.  It sounded like common sense and a good suggestion,  The problem is, all most nothing that impacts us is singular in nature.  The entire theory that 85 percent of the population is dumber than a box of rocks, there are only several real absolutes in life, bring it back to the inability to focus on just one thing  to solve a given problem.  Be clear, you can focus on the details of a particular problem, but if you want to solve something you need to identify, what else will impact that one issue.
          Listening to NPR  "National Public Radio"  once more the baffled reporter ask the uber intelligent pundit about the economy. Specifically the housing marker.  The discussion about the need for banks to finish the fore closure process before the market could recover. 
         Than we heard how republicans didn't think Fanny Mae should back new mortgages on people who have and still are paying their loans.
           Followed by China beating us once more in the solar energy industry. And finally China's leader tell the rest of the world to get its financial house in order and one way to do that is to let China invest more in the government sectors of the nations.
         I wish I were as smart as the pundits being interviewed.  Alas, I keep seeing patterns, and I must be wrong because no one else sees it.
           Banks can't lower mortgage rates because they have already spent the interest you haven't paid yet.
And everyone knows that if the bank takes your house and  does NOT get the cost of the house back that you borrowed....they will make more money selling the house cheaper to some one else?  Or make more money by not selling the house and letting it rot there?
          Those statements have to be true or the banks wouldn't be doing it right? 
OK enough sarcasm from me, for the moment.   If you cant pay your loan, the bank isn't getting its money back.   Of course the tax laws let them take you as a tax right off on the money they  earned on other ventures.  Some one as simple minded as myself, suggest the bank lower the rate of interest, not the money for the house but the interest.  If you have been paying the  higher rate of interest, your paying the lower rate is a done deal.   But you stay in the house and  ( wait for it ) spend the money you saved on other items;  keeping the money flowing in the economy.   Perhaps banks might want to do what they did to my wife and myself back in the 1970's  and check to see if I could pay back a loan before loaning.   It took a WHOLE  week  but we got the loan. I foolishly believe getting even 50 percent of the interest is better than not getting any money at all, but that's just me.  Possible getting more people in a position to spend money would help the economy?   I don't know, I'm throwing out wild and crazy ideas, however if you are greedy and stupid, you prefer to destroy an entire society rather than help it recover.   If you don't believe the United States economy can be destroyed and that the States can be turned into a group of Feudal petty Factions than please stop reading my blog, move to a small island nation which will be covered in water 10 years from now;  when all the ice melts, oh and don't have any children, their are enough idiots breathing my air.
             But I  guess the pundents know better,  Mysterious forces are destroying our economy.   You know how I keep talking about the under employed.   How many luxury items do you think a person buys when they are making minimum wage, have NO benefits no health care, no sick days, vacation days, disability.  And live from pay check to pay check. How many of those foreclosed homes do you think those people buy?  Unless the banks continue to be dumber than the 85 percent and loan them money which they will never pay back because they can't.   Or the banks  decide to  ( think last rounds of stimulus ) take your tax dollars and invest that money in stocks, bonds, derivatives , any thing except loaning the money.
         Starting to see a pattern are you???
         Unless people have jobs, good jobs, they won't spend money at least not the sane or honest people.
Some people just don't care and figure they are not going to pay off the credit any way, so they buy  what they want.  But the majority do want to be honest and until they feel they are in a position to do so safely they are not buying washing machines, cars, houses.  Nike 500 dollar sneakers etc. 
          But the Chinese  make every thing cheaper, so either we buy Chinese products or move our companies to China to make those products.  ( See a pattern yet?)  And the Chinese tell us we should be more like them.  Yes  they have the highest production rates, in the world, the most money sitting in their banks in the world, the biggest population,   We should be more like them, at least if you listen to the Republicans.  Yes...the Republicans want  less government regulations.  Lets be clear  less government regulations.  That means  the US companies would have no rules to continue operating in the United States.
In China  the average daily income of the workers is  $14.15 cents per day.  They have the highest death rates in the work place because they like the Republicans want,  have so few regulations.  The highest casualty rates in the work place, that is injuries, dismemberment's, poisonings.  but they don't have regulations.
        Now do you see a pattern?    We  the United States could beat China economically if we allowed companies to pollute freely, kill people in the work place or cripple them and not worry about paying them afterwards.   Sell inferior product because its cheaper, who cares if some one gets killed or hurt afterward?
        Because capitalism says that the market will control the greedy companies who want to make tons of  money, move to China where they don't have to pay much, and there are no regulations; to sell to the few remaining Americans, who are becoming fewer and fewer.  ( I needed the run on sentence here ) The jobs are in China ( and other places just not here) so Americans buy less and less , including Houses and Cars, and pundits are mystified why the economy isn't getting better.  Democrats  fear telling you and I the truth and Republicans count on you being dumber than rocks or dumber, and lie to us.  Letting the jobs go over seas, to lands without regulations, rules, so profits increase in the greedy industries, so the stock market goes up, while you are still out of a job.   "Its the stupid economy!"   The pattern CAN be broken, but it takes courage, the willingness  for this generation to suffer, which is to make the changes, so our children and grand children will have something better.   Not a new game system, or I pod...but good paying jobs, an education that prepares them for the world, and less fear about being safe.  We all need to pay a fair amount of taxes, we all need to agree that helping an honest person less fortunate is in our collective interest. Not everyone on welfare is lazy, not everyone without health insurance is a bum. School is not day care.  And some things ARE YOUR FAULT, not societies, but you screwed up.   You need to vote.  I don't care if you vote for the most unknown person on the ballot, in fact that sends a better message than not voting.    You need to call these candidates out, make everyone explain how they intend to help us as a society.   This is not a conspiracy, its NOT some incredible government or corporate plot, its simple how it all works out, that each issue is tied to the other.   We mere mortals call it life. But we created it and we can fix it.      I hope we are up for it... if not we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do you expect us to live on a quater million a year????

I could not argue with any one that both of the Democratic and Republican party are pretty much self serving, idiots who live in fear of an original idea that might actually help this nation.   But while they are pretending to care about you and me, would it not be nice to hear something that makes sense.
          I have not read the new job creation bill, will not say I know any details....but let us just look at the "sound bites".  Let us pretend that there is nothing else major in there ,
Remove tax subsides for the oil companies.
increase tax on millionaires and billionaires
No tax breaks on corporate jets.
While we all hope there is more substance than that in the bill,  how in the name of any God you pray to  can Republicans come out and say that is wrong.    Yet, the Republicans  come out and argue the sound bites.

So my theme of everyone learning some facts before deciding how to vote, how to form an opinion.....some simple research.   No lie....took me  5 minutes.  ( Yes I timed it so I could tell you )
Oil companies  claim they only make about 2 cents on every gallon of gas sold.  I wont question that. Lets go with that number.  2 cents per gallon.  There are just about  378 million gallons of gas sold every day. At 2 cents profit per gallon that means the oil companies are making  7,560,000 dollars a day, not per week but per day on gasoline.   Not including other products sold.  Must be tough to live on 52.920,000 a week.  How much does it cost to buy a congress person these days?  Maybe its the judges that cost more to bribe?
You know it has to be the cost of getting the puppets elected, that's has to be  it!!
        Taxes.   Lets not think about GE  paying only 5 percent corporate tax.  For this blog, focus on everyone only paying their fair share.    The United States Tax code needs to be over hauled, absolutely no argument from me on that, however until it happens, lets look at what is fair.
The average American is making 49,000.  annually.  and not looking at any deductions that is taxed at  25 % by the Federal government.  With no deductions and not including possible state and local taxes,  Joe Average is left with   37,000 to pay his/her bills and live.    Not that easy in the United States, but do-able
A single person making 379,000 or lets say 400,000 dollars  ( single person ) is paying Federal taxes at 35 percent, so this single person has to live on  246, 348 dollars a year.    Which would you rather live on
$37,000 per year or  $240,000 per year ?
           Possible if people making  almost a quarter of a million dollars a year decided to pay that  and not hire an accountant or lawyer to figure out how to pay less taxes than they would have more money to buy elected officials and buy $500 dollar shoes ?   I am willing to bet if everyone paid only what they really owed, our national debt would disappear.  What do you think?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Kids are right. Study of History is a waste of time !

I never thought I would say that.  How many times in school did you ask the adults, or your friends, "why do we have to study this old stuff ?"     Than as a parent, I would explain to my children, that the study of  history helps us know how we got to be where we are in world today.  Additionally it was a way to learn from mistakes in the past.  To see the warning signs and plot a course to avoid them.
          Well the kids are right.   It must be while they are young and fairly innocent they instinctively know the  85 percent rule is true, and that most of the 85 percent dumber than rocks and the 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent, govern us.  
          Because we not only repeat history, but we rush to it.  We build shrines to stupidity and worship at the alter or mediocrity.
           Most of the industrial world is in financial trouble or difficulty.  But until I buy back my God like powers  lets focus on America.  We have several trillion dollars in debt, pretty bad unemployment and the thing not spoken off, massive under employment.   And less you think that doesn't matter, under employed people do not buy  vacations,  SUV's, or the latest I phones... ( unless they are dumber than the 85 percent)
            President Obama put forward a plan for starting back to recovery.  Not a perfect plan, but a plan.
The republicans  refuse to raise taxes, or return taxes to a point before the year 2000.  We are in debt up to our grand children's eye balls, ( we have been under it ages ago)  We need taxes people !!  Not new taxes, just return the old ones.    We need to cut spending, so let me harp on this again...cut out the fraud in the social programs...just cut out fraud.
          I have to be honest, I don't care about the debt....any country that wants to collect, let them try.
You want to govern the United States... more power to you China.   But I do want the jobs back.
           The regulations which need cleaning up, stream lining, and removal of out dated or duplicate rules, these were put in place because  private industry will NOT govern itself.  
             Get that real clear in your minds, the republicans in favor of removing regulations are insane.  Private industry will not govern itself.  They will make what ever profits they can  while resting there feet on your dead body.  Every depression, major recession in the US  was caused because private enterprises, got stupid and greedy and were not check by rules.   Every front page industrial accident is traced back to industry taking a short cut to increase profits.  Banking industry giving out loans that they KNEW, were poor risk.  
           It would appear that history does repeat itself since we as a species are so stupid.   So republicans don't want taxes to pay the debt and don't want regulations to protect us from the very entities that got us into this depression ( its not a recession)
             The children are right the study of history is a waste of time

Monday, September 12, 2011

I dont think the President read my blog???

President Obama gave a powerful speech, last week ( Sept), with broad outlines of hope and promise.  He presented it to the same group of people, the US Congress who has given us  9.75 percent  unemployment, about 18 percent under employment, stagnation, polarization, etc. 
        The only thing that is going to move, congress off there butts, AND  to get the President's eyes off the polling numbers, is you.  You , me, him...and her over there.  
         Two big items  not in the Presidents speech, that need to be addressed.   One the average reader will probable like, the other the average reader including me will not like.  And knowing how people think., lets go with the life first
       1) Effective  Jan. 1  2012  every day the congress and senate go over the deadline for presenting a balanced budget, the congress and senate lose one weeks pay. None refundable.    Deadlines cannot be extended under penalty of fines and vote of confidence.  ( If they ignore  the voters and extent the dead line the congress person or senator will pay a $2000.00 for every day its extended pass the dead line.)
       2) Every government worker, ( exception active military personal or military personal with disability ) will contribute a minimum of 12% to their health care. Up to 18 % for employees making $80,000 or more.

The don't like part.  Do not extent or pass a pay roll tax  reduction.   Mr. President, we need the money now.   Take away the tax when unemployment reaches  6 percent.  As I have said at length.  We are in two wars.   Our generation is made of the same metal as our parents and grand parents, this is our sacrifice.
Use the tax revenue to hire an independent organization, preferable a foreign company who has no "stake " in the outcome, to revamp our tax system.  Simplify it and remove the loop holes, make it fair.  With the highest tax bracket for people making over $250,000 dollars.  The first $250,000 will be at 35 percent, ever dollar over $250, 000  will be at 45 percent.  No loop holes,  no donations to save the amoeba foundation write offs.   They can donate what ever they want but they are paying 45 cents on the dollar over 250 K !  

        If you are concerned about our elected officials passing bills to avoid the penalty, stop and consider what they have done right now... or more important what they haven't done.  
        I am focusing on money.  ( I told you at the heart of me is a Republican) . Social issues are important but not if you don't have a society.  So I want to get money back into our economy.  Spend money to rid of off fraud, ( don't care as much about over spending as the fraud ) If welfare gets a generation ready to enter the ranks of the tax payers than I am for welfare.   If  $5.00 lettuce, means more workers paying taxes than dang bring on the salad.   No I'm not naive, I know what it could be, not what it is, and we need the goals.
Americans do not do well with generalities, ( humans don't but this is an American Blog )
       The President was right about this, deluge your elected officials, but send them this blog. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11 never forget,..... for many reasons . ten years later

I was born and raised in New York, and witness to both attacks on the Twin Towers.  The first one during  the 90's I viewed on the news.  But on September 11th 2001, I  stood  with many of my co workers on  the top floor of a high rise on 119 street, watching the black smoke pour from the Towers.  We stood in silence or whisper as if in a church.  Deep down inside of us, we knew what had happened, we were attacked. We knew this well before the media announced this.    The question was who, and why.
        Standing there watching you  felt   anger and frustration of not being able to help the people you knew had to be in those buildings.  Hoping that everyone got out, you knew that wasn't true.  Later we would learn that it was over a thousand.   No matter their   physical home, they were citizens of our country, even those not born here, not naturalized, those visiting,  those here illegally ,  they belong to us that morning.
                     I'm not forgetting those in Washington or at the field in Pennsylvania....that only made it worse.  Bad enough what happened here in New Yorker, but now the tally grew.   And like most humans  you hold out hope, even though ever fiber of your body is telling you, there is none.   You suddenly realize this in not a movie, there is no rescue at the end, the guy doesn't always get the girl and no hero rushes in to save the day.
        But the day did have hero's. many of them who knew this could be their last day on this earth. Who knew the hug, the kiss, the smile they saw last night or this morning might  be the last they ever saw.  Still they did there job. Some did   more than there job would ever  require, and  some decided, that their is somethings  however in-tangible,  worth dying for.           
          The people who died that day, some are hero's, some are just people in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Some were good people in life, some may have been terrible people in life,  but they didn't deserve to die, not like that, not for that.
         The memorial will be for the  for future generations, those of us who were there will never forget.
              But what followed, I hope we will also never forget, because the world did  not deserve the waste, the cost in lives lost, damaged, ruined.  Money better used else where,  the stupidity of what followed.   Should not be forgotten by any of us.  Maybe we should build a memorial to that, so future generations do not forget.
          I'm a civilian, I'm allowed to have a visceral response wanting to strike out at any one, everyone.   Its up to our leaders to bring sanity to the front, and direct the response.  Hell, it was the complete opposite.
          At first it seemed like the leaders of our country, actually had control of the situation.  They reminded us, not to strike out like angry beast at a  Religion or culture,or people  because  it visually reminded us of  murderers .  And for one brief  oh so very brief  moment the United States and its leadership shined. We showed restraint, we spoke of justice and rebuilding.  We spoke of showing our defiance against a "horrible simple minded group of people"  far dumber than the 85 percenters. It was a proud moment for our nation. 
           I don't know if we will ever learn the truth, I have my own theory but its just that a theory. Washington D.C  our leaders, lost there ability to think rationally and   showed that they were far dumber than the 85 percent who are dumber than a box of rocks.
          Attacking the country of  Afghanistan  was bad, but worst still was switching to invade Iraq.
        I do not know which side of the political fence you the readers are, but Afghanistan was a waste of time,  hitting the terror camps and breaking up the Taliban took a few weeks.  I call it a waste of time because once started, we didn't finish, with the rebuilding and bringing these people into the 21 century.
         You might not want to "nation build" but if you go in a break what existed, however much you didn't like it, the job falls to you to make it better.  WE  stopped doing that. ( 10 years later doesn't count )
         But  attacking Iraq, was the height of stupidity in a already dysfunctional government.
        The  attack on  a specific location ( Pentagon and World Trade Center )  and the date of 9/11  was the surprise, but  that something big was going to happen and soon was NOT.     The republican like to tell us " it was a total surprise, that's why the response was so confused,  so sporadic, "
             You might ask why would the republicans admit something so bad as to admit to be caught unaware and unprepared.   The republicans know only too well the psychology of  asking forgiveness is easier than asking permission.   Or   "Its easier to say sorry than explain how you messed up"
         Far better to have Americans think  their government were asleep than to think they were incompetent.   
And well you might ask, how could they hope to keep something like that secret ?  Well they can not, they did not.  The information is out there in blogs, reports , books, congressional hearings, mass media, but again the Republicans know the minds of the electorate only to well.   Most of us are in denial. its just easier to say the elected and appointed were caught unaware than it is to say they are  incompititant, because that means we are stuck with incompetence for many years.
          Iraq the war our country went to fight, for a different reason ever month.  This war  cost us hundreds of billions of dollars.  The Iraq war became the rally point for the dis enfranchised to join the terror movement.   The lives lost by Americans, our Allies and the civilians that our government stated we were helping  and the damage done to a generations bodies and minds, was and is a disgrace.
          You have already read what went wrong.   But did you know what went right, before  President Bush , lost his mind completely. 
           First, I suggest you pick up two an easy read...    Carlie Wilsons War by George Crile and   not so easy but very good, Ghost Wars  by Steve Coll.   The importance of these two books  are the amount of information regarding terrorism and the structure of their organization  that was know before  9/11.
          Following the attacks on 9/11  the government organizations  CIA. FBI....police, and there foreign counterparts  were doing a fantastic job of fighting the war the 21 century way.  These agencies across the globe were finding the money (which is the life blood of any organization), tracing the money , finding the leadership.   This was the way to fight a new war, cut off the funds, identify the participants, than let  smaller scale operations  "take care " of the participants.  Arrest-or-killthem.   I prefer kill them but I can live with arrest.   These agencies ( the intelligence and justice ) were doing a good job, working with world agencies, building up trust and developing a working relationship.        The ground war was done for political glitz.   Use of the Military should have been extremely limited.   But it wasn't .   Additionally, the people directing our Military tried to warn the leadership that first, the war was a bad idea, but, if order to fight, they needed more.  So our intelligence community was ignored, our military was ignored, the majority of the world governments were ignored.  George Bush and his team of theocratic ego maniac misfits  knew better than everyone else.
             OK  water under the bridge;  was it really necessary to attack Iraq when we did?  "With the army that we had"  as per Mr Rumsfield.   Including inferior equipment ( for a large portion of the ground troops) , poor logistics.  Could the attack not have waited for the proper night optics, ammo, armored transport etc.   The post war, no game plan ?  
          This is the worse insult to our military, our citizens and the citizens of Iraq and the world !!!  There was a detailed  plan for what to do after the military victory or what ever you want to call it.   The plan was done in detail prior to launch of the war,  and it was requested by the George Bush White House.    It was done and delivered months before the ground war started and included the infrastructure, how to treat the people, who to use to continue a government of Iraq,, on and on.... it was created, distributed and shelved.   Again ignored by the Bush White House.  George Bush and his team tried to wage war on the cheap.  I say tried, because we know , war should be the last resort, and it ain't cheap.  But starting cheap, only ends up costing more.  And had George or any of the Morons he listened to, paid attention in class rather than whoring or snorting coke they would have known.  You get what you pay for , and it always cost more to fix something than to do it right the first time.  For all the fine speeches, and the fine talk coming out of the Bush White House, its not so fine if its lies.  Remember dear reader, the Bush team was among the first to cut back on  GI benefits including medical care.  Lets not discuss what he and Rumsfield shorted them on, in basic material need to wage the war.
         I will always believe that every department, and service stepped up to the plate, after 9/11  Above and beyond what was called for, except for the Congress, the Office of the President, and his staff.  Who's action  border on gross negligent and dare I say possible treason.
          What we must remember is the sacrifice of ordinary people.  That Americans are capable of selfless sacrifice for purely  humanitarian causes. And regardless of what other nations might say, we do this every day.
           But we must also remember it is the citizens duty to hold the elected people accountable for the actions of these officials. It is the duty of every citizen to search for the truth ( as best we can)  It is our duty to let them know when they are not doing the job we hired them for, to prove what they say.  And it is our duty to make decisions that help our society grow and remain strong so that future generation might also enjoy America   We do not force our way of life on any one, but stand ready to help any one who ask. This is America.
    There are many lessons from the attack of 9/11 . We should not forget any of them

Thursday, September 8, 2011

socialism is fer pinko commies and no good liberials !!

a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
I got lazy and cut and pasted the definition of socialism.  Because those of you who don't want no socialistic polices in yer  guv-or-mint, better leave now.   You got plenty of socialism without President Obama. Unless of course you are willing to give up  social security, medicare, Medicaid, Disability, the police, fire department, the United States Military.   National Parks, federal roads, the post office etc. etc.  On and on, owned and operated by the Federal Government, paid for by the collective society, Salaries determined by the government, and use determined by the government, for the collective good of society as a whole.
           There is no form of government or economic system that in its pure form, works in the real world.  Its looks good when you read about it. But put it in practice in with humans and pure forms fall flat on there face.
        We need a careful blend of many styles of government to keep a society happy, growing and productive.  
          The speech about restoring the economy by cutting taxes and cutting government regulations ???
A) its a lie
B) its what you have right now?
So if you are happy with unemployment at 10 percent, and underemployment at about 15 to 20 percent, than tax cuts and end of regulations is the way to go.
         The private sector of the United States has taken those tax cuts, and the stimulus given them and INVESTED THE MONEY !!!  they have not used it to  hire anyone.   Get this clear in your mind, the majority of US companies have more money now in there bank accounts than in any time for the past 40 years.  But because they are private, the government can NOT make them spend it on expansion or hiring your family.    Regulations are what protects you and I from the private industry that really would prefer to sell cheaper and inferior products to you at higher prices, making more profit.  And you have no where  else to go to buy this stuff, so they don't have to fear competition.  Those regulations mean your electronic devices can't be build in a way that endangers you, cannot be produce more cheaply with material that will poison you.  They can't leave the waste from their production in your back yard, where your children play.
           Taxes while ever unpleasant  are lower in the United States than in Western Europe, Canada, and a number of South America Countries.   You could move to any where in South East Asia or Africa and pay less tax?      I don't care who you vote for as long as it is not based on myths and lies.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"We should dig deeper, until we can get out of this hole !"

A friend of mine, whom I happen to respect, although he is probable a commie liberal subversive, suggested I focus more on daily news items.  I had intended to do this, until I heard  excerpts from the Republican candidates running for presidential nomination and hearing the people cheering them.  This followed by a story regarding Sept 11.  ten year anniversary and how far we as a nation have not come.
          The Sept. 11. story involved the issue facing the U.S. and the lack of our nation addressing these issues. 
              85 percent of the population is dumber than a box of rocks, with 5 percent dumber than that.  Which means, 85 percent of the population either refuses to find out the truth on issues or ignores the truth because it is not convenient.  The 85 percent  do something based on  "other people doing it so its OK"
              Breathing, consuming food and drink, removing waste, are the only absolutes humans need to live, everything else has to do with the quality of that life.
             Individual issues and concepts in life are inter connected.  A flood in a Tibet Mountain Village impacts the cost of  Tootsie pops in Arkansas. ( yes I made that up as an example )
           These are basic themes, these are  what I want you to take away from these blogs.   Though I do express my views, I don't want you to say, "Yes Frank is correct, (   feel free, to vote for me in 2012 ?)  but I want you to think, to look into issues that you care about.  To focus on what impacts your life and realize there are only a few absolutes, you have to live by, and question things until you have a comfort level that you are reacting to the truth.
           As stated, I was  listening to excerpts of the candidates speech's.   I have to apologize, I wanted to be unbiased, but its not possible.   As the candidates talk about their plans to  save our economy and restore jobs to the United States and than in the back ground the  crowds cheering them.  These people have to be the 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent ?    Mr. Romney telling voters  to cut government regulations and lower taxes?
           I know, I know... it sounds really great.  I does, I'm not being sarcastic. Cut taxes and stop regulations.  You know what you end up with?   No social programs and 15 percent unemployment, with 20 percent under employed.
         First, we don't need new laws and regulations.  Enforce what we have on the books  for starters.

"An IRS report indicates that, in 2009, 1,470 individuals earning more than $1,000,000 annually faced a net tax liability of zero or less." 
          While this is old news, the statistics have not changed, if any thing they have gotten worse.  The list of  industries that  have paid below the 35 percent corporate tax has grown.  Perhaps my favorite is  G.E.  that paid about 11 percent taxes, while you and I paid our 32 percent.  NOT including State and City.
             But we are in a war.  Republicans love to remind us of this.  Right or wrong this is a war for our freedom and liberty.  This is what the Republicans tell us.  They also remind us we are 6 trillion dollars in debt.  Raise taxes, if its a war, and we need to win this war,  raise the taxes. 
          No I'm not crazy, when I say raise taxes, I only speak of ,  remove the cuts  George Bush Jr.  put into effect in 2001.  We are at war, we're American, we make sacrifices for our noble causes, roll back the tax cuts until the war is over ?  Americans have done this   in ever war we have been in, is our generation any less patriotic??
Are we not made of the same metal as our parents and grand parents?    I don't expect the Democrats to do it, Democrats only know how to follow the latest poles;  its up to the brave god fearing Republicans to move our nation to there patriotic duty and pay for the war against those opposed to our way of life.
      1) roll back the tax cuts.  Would I like this, especially since I know it will impact me?  Hell no.....but would I like to ensure my grand children have a stable economy to live and work in.  Yes, I will sacrifice for them. 
      2)  Make everyone pay their fair share, not more.  Don't make millionaires pay more, but pay their fair share.   You don't get to write off  dinners as business expense.  Or the art work in the lobby of your office building.   Every one pay what is the fair amount on the money you make period.  We don't need new percentages, just proper enforcement of the rules we have in place.
       3)  Go after fraud in government.  ( stop laughing) .   Do it one case at a time, eventually people notice and the lesson comes home that, "defrauding the government is no longer worth it"
        You want to bring money back into the system, Roll back the tax cuts, make everyone pay the fair amount, and cut out the fraud.  You do not have to eliminate SSI,   Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and every other social program.  Cut out the fraud and the money will be there.  
         This part you do not want left to me, because I would execute anyone who has defrauded any of this services up to and including  single mothers, dead beat dads, doctors and lawyers.  My view is simple; social programs are contracts with the general society.  You are on the governments dime...or mine  ( taxes) if you are dishonest, you are stating to me and my fellow tax payers you have no regard for society.  My society.  There fore  I have no need of you.  You have proven you have no regard for me or society, you also don't care about your children except for for the money they can bring in for you with social programs, so I don't need you.   ( I know of one friend who is struggling not to blast me over this, but he is used to me by now.  I told you I'm not a liberal, I prefer practical Democrat with moderate republican tendencies )
        But lets focus on this.  The Republicans want to take out of health care,and any social welfare programs, birth control.  No I'm not making this up.  Listen to your candidates closely, the  Republican Candidates in order to save money, want to take birth control ( not talking about abortion, I'm talking about condoms, birth control pills, inter uterine devices, pamphlets about birth control, etc) out of health care and any social programs.  
             Now I realize that the  "New " Republican base doesn't believe in science or evolution ?  But I did think that they Republicans especially the "TEA BAG" party knew where babies come from?    Please tell me they do know that intercourse between a human male and female has the potential to create a baby?  And that by removing birth control methods and devices, you increase the likely hood of more births, even the  evil ones??  The god less  heathens will also produce.  If you want to reduce the number of  godless heathens would you not want to increase the use of birth control and methods of contraception ????
              But not our Republican buddies.   This is not a tangent, but a fact you better get used to.  Currently there are 6,000,000,000 billion people on the planet that is 6 billion, and I know that number is higher but I cant get a consistent  count.  Oh what the heck there are now 7 billion of us, and that is with the wars, diseases and natural disasters.    The planet  can support this, as a matter of information, the planet can support many more.  Probable about  18 billion people.  HOWEVER,  oh you knew there was a however, It can not support  18 billion, 10 billion , 9 billion or the 7 billion at the same level of standard of living.
        For you  5 percent dumber than the 85 percent who might be reading this.   The planet cannot support 7 billion people if they all have  48 inch  plasma screen TVs,  two corn dogs, mini keg, and a pick up truck with a rifle rack.  YOU have to decide who gets them, planet no hold that many at that standard.   Which means  YOU, tell republican , no more baby, sex good, baby not good !  For the rest of you, its a decision on the level you want to live at, or more important what level you want to pass on, because odds are fairly good your standard will not get worse.  It was  discussed way back in pre history, 1978 that the world could only support about  6.5 billion at the current standard of  living.
          Its really simple, tell the candidates regardless of party, to mind there own business regarding making more people to inhabit the planet.   If free birth control means  I can have my two corn dogs and a flat screen, yeeh haa, sign me up.
          Want to lower the unemployment rate.  Well lets start with the rules on the books.  When you; corporate America decide to chicken out and run from  the US to pay some one in a third world nation 5 dollars a day and a beating just to keep them in line.  So the companies " Over lords" or   supervisors can trade rice for sex on some 9 year old Asian girl making  Re-BUCKs  sneakers.  Those same skeevy companies  are supposed to "Train"  the workers they betrayed and  laid  off with  another skill.   That doesn't mean train them for Blimp Pilots, that field is not so big any more.   But yes they are supposed to train the people being laid off so the company can go exploit foreign workers.    And yes, I truly hope that I can get some readers of this blog especially the patriotic god fearing one, cause the sex trade for working in a factory is very real, but that's another blog.
          Government regulation   is killing our economy??  I would have to say that is possible a 50 /50 for being true.  It has the potential to be true.  However,  fact, the places that don;t have regulations are called "death traps"   Ask the republicans why the Chinese Media do not blink and eye when they loss 500 dead in a mining accident.  Because they loss over 10,000 annually.  NO regulation.
           Government is not there to create jobs ( I know they do but that's another blog)  Private industry creates jobs, BUT government regulation keep private industry from killing the rest of us.  Those regulation insure  ( only if enforced)  a safe work environment, and safe products for the public.
         Now Mr. and Mrs  Republican candidate  we could cut those regulations.  We could grow our economy with out those regulations and introduce the new product lines.   "baby formula w/h improved rat poison added"   " Lead coated  pacifier or the new cadmium flavored"  
           If any of the idiots the Republicans have fielded had said they wanted to review the regulations and eliminate those that don't apply , that are duplicate, that are out dated.  We I would fully support that.  But that's isn't what they say... never mine said...they repeat it.   Hey how much poison is acceptable in your coffee or juice??   Want George Bush Jr. to decide for you?
             I m repeating myself yet again, but the message is worth it.  In 2011 the Democrats tried to pass a bill that gave tax benefits to companies that started in the US and promised to stay here for a period of time or existing companies in America that employed or expanded to more US employees.
       You 5 percent dumber  getting this:    American company, and American workers, get lower taxes
Republicans say NO.    Did we all miss something here, jobs, America, lower taxes and the republicans refused to bring it to a vote.  Not even a vote... of course the gutless Democrats just took it, but I thought republicans wanted jobs and lower taxes....  Maybe next time you are at a Sarah Palin rally you could ask her why she didn't push her party to pass this one.... better yet  ask  Mich why?
           I wrote an email to a friend and he suggested I use it.  I think he is write, it was written out of bitter frustration but its accurate.
            "Since I am biased against that happening to our grand children, I deliberately  failed to mention that typically when you run into one of those children in the middle east, they can speak several languages and do the exchange rate in there heads without a calculator….perhaps it could be a good thing???? ( this section refers to our children forced to sell souvenirs to make a living when our economy collapses )
Of course the dream team could happen…. Rick Perry and Sarah Palin,  than we could keep an eye on Russia, while we burn books and homosexuals.  And the bible  belt would rule.     Oh who am I kidding its not funny that they are even letting these people speak???   Yes I bet if I went out to Ohio or Idaho and ask a random person…. “ What is your most important issue governmental speaking “   he or she would say the deficit… Sure, not that they haven’t work in 2 years. …. Or there kids  got laid off at McDonald's ….. not one out there is worried about jobs or not being able to afford a doctor….they are all worried about a 100 year old deficit?????  And the media believes this???  Fred…we are dead….   “Dead nation walking here”
        My plea to you the readier  is simple.   WE must do what is not comfortable, this is  our time under fire.  Our parents where tested, and there parents.   Paying taxes is not fun, but paying your fair share is the  duty of a citizen in a society, think  of it as patriotic.    Stopping fraud in our social programs is our  elected officials.  duty.   Stop being sheep.  Vote for what you know, as fact.  If you find yourself cheering over what a candidate said, find out what the candidate really meant !