Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Politicians; you know they are lying because their mouth moved

Every thing relates to the 85 percent rule, including the political problems we face now.   My goal, my purpose, is to get the average person,  the citizens of this country to think !   I'm not looking for people to agree with my opinions, but I do want people to think through their own decisions based on the available information.
           There is absolute truth.  You or I might not agree with it or like that concept, but there is absolute truth.
The speed of light is a constant ( at least for now)  we can discuss methods of going around it, warping it, but the speed of light is a constant.  People who believed the sun revolved around the earth truly believed that. The evidence was pretty clear, they were wrong.  The phrase in vogue now is that truth is in the perception.  That is what people believe to be true ; perceive to be true, is actually true at least for those people.  Sounds nice, but its pure bull.  Just because something is perceived to be true does not make it so. If every person on this planet believed that the sun revolved around the earth, it still would not make it true.  What it would do is help prevent further discovery into fact, and it would make the 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent very happy not to have to think, but its still not true.   And the importance of that is, some issues, you don't have to worry about the absolute truth.   It doesn't impact your life very much or others around you.  So you don't have to sweat the absolute truth.  However when dealing with issue that do impact how you live or will live, or how future generations will live, well than you should be as close to absolute truth as you can get before you decide a course of action.
                                       In the name of disclosure.  I consider may self a  Moderate Republican.   I like money, I like stocks, I like profits, however I recognize the need to compromise to get me that money and profits.  I have voted republican since 1970, some times just because the word republican was next to the name.  (Remember we all slip into the 85 percent )  Didn't vote Democrat until I realized  George Bush 2.0  was a spoiled ego theistic puppet.     I  Wanted  McCain but he went over to the republican cultist.  So I hope that President Obama  could make a difference.  He did, just not the one we need to operate this nation effectively
            People who use the statement " Every body knows that "  are ok as long as they themselves don't believe the statement.  Its a nice fill in or stall the conversation  statement but not true.   Our Politicians our elected officials our appointed officials, those who govern or rule us.  They should be held to a higher standard.  The position they hold, is supposed to be a position  of authority for Something.   And when they make statements, not telling us all the facts, or knowingly distorting the facts.  When they they use statements by others and leave out portions;  they are lying to us.    Not a missed communication, its a lie.     When they know something, but tell you something else, its a lie.  When, they have something important to bring to our attention  and  speak in generalities, well that's not a lie, but they are bordering on it by trying to pull our focus from the important issues they don't want "us" to think about.
         When a certain Texas  governor tells the voting public that  " His state didn't take any bail out money "  and does not add   " we didn't take it this time" that my friends is a lying to you. When he doesn't tell you about several tens of millions he took a few months prior, that makes it a lie.    When he tells you how "He created jobs"  but doesn't add that   A) many of those jobs will disappear because of budget cuts in Sept. 2011  B) most of the jobs are created in the government sector, the sector that Republicans say we should make smaller.  Well its not a lie, but it fudging the truth.   When a female candidate, talks about cutting government spending but refuses to discuss  her personal  farm subsidies, you should wonder what government spending does she want to cut.   When a sitting president is doing a town hall meeting and he is telling the crowd how they have held back inflation, he really should send his staff down the block ( literally) to look at  the price of gasoline or the grocery store to look at  produce.
         The  United States  borrowing cap is a good example of  perception (not based on fact,) but doesn't make it true.   We have had the debt limit cap for almost  50 years.   I has not been held to in almost 50 years.  The nations that loan us money have an unrealistic perception that the debt limit cap has some value. Especially since most of the nations  who do loan us money do not have a debt cap.  Unfortunately that perception must be met.  Yes I realize that I just finished saying perception is not truth, however the reality of the world, makes it important to continue this perception/deception until such time as it can be comfortable proven to be a lie.   Not that debt ceilings are bad, no no ... I think they are great, but if you don't use them, they are more damaging than not having them.  Witness the fiasco in Washington DC these past months.  Our elected officials  wasted valuable time arguing over raising the cap.   
     On how many levels was this insane, border line criminal.
We had a theocratic lunatic fringe  ( Tea Party ) who signed and oath not to raise taxes.  However  they also took an oath to uphold the constitution and protect the citizens and to adhere to the wishes of the people who voted them into office.   How do you sign and oath that prevents you from doing what is best for the country, that has the potential to hurt the majority of people, dis-regarding the oath you took entering office.  That is almost treason.
         How do we justify raising the cap on a rule that we voted into effect to prevent just what has happened run away spending.
         How do we justify not raising the cap, because like it or not WE spent the money.  Both houses are guilty of spending that money.  Our elected officials put a rule into being and ignore it.
         The people who run this country or so busy lying to you and me, I think they have forgotten what is the truth and what is a lie.
        Pass a bill for 2012 that states any one in congress or any government position that spends money we don't have will be terminated immediately.  President down to  clerk behind the counter of  patent office. Period.
Balance the budget with new taxes and spending cuts.
About three months ago the Democrats wanted to pass a tax bill giving special tax breaks ( cuts ) to companies that hired in America.  Jobs for Americans what a novel idea.   Republicans  would not let it come to a vote.  Does this sound sane?
         Pass the cap extension ( which they did eventually ) for 2011
         For every day without a balanced budget, congress and the senate loose a weeks  pay, none refundable  ( you want motivation )
         Don't tell the voting public, that we have to drill in every location in the US...especially since the oil is not guaranteed to stay in the US.   How many voters realize that about 80 percent of the oil drilled in Alaska never reaches U.S shores but heads right to Japan or China because they pay more.  Why does the price of natural gas go up in sync with oil.  We don't get gas from OPEC.  Do your elected officials tell you the voter the electric companies are paying more for coal because more of it is leaving America and headed over seas.
           So much of drilling and digging to reduce our dependence.   I really don't care.  Its money in America pockets, but I do care about the lie of omission.  When these Flag waving, chest thumping   SOB's we elected do not tell you the truth.   Tell Americans  we need to drill so we can sell more oil to China, and send the coal there.
         The same elected officials who are saying government regulation are stopping America's growth have left out, the de -regulation which a Democrat Clinton really pushed, got us into the mess we are in the last 8 years.  Of course they all both parties leave out the fact that the regulations  were for the most part over looked prior to de regulation.  But the unbridled moving of money by... ( wait for it )  85 percenters, is why the world economy tanked.   Put your pundits on the air to come up with really niffty sounding excuses. The reality is we let really dumb people handle money and play hot potato...pass the bad loans and hope you dont get caught. Except unlike the hot potato of your youth, each pass of bad loans,  more interest was added...the potato got bigger with each purchase of the loan.   And no one said STOP this makes no sense.
Do you really thing  China and India are smarter than the West???  If you have a billion people who you dont pay, really dont care if they are alive tomorrow or not, dont care if you create huge toxic waste lands in the middle of a budding community, you too can have 9 percent growth in this world economy.   Dont trust me, read about what is going on over there.   But our politicians  see the dollar bills and want to create the same thing.   Well we know they are dumber than a rock, but are you.  Are you buying what they are selling. 
         400 years ago we didn't try to convert the indians because we loved them we wanted to control them.
We fought a civil war as much about economic decision as freeing slaves which was an after thought.  Mexico really did own Texas but we made out real good taking it away.   Native Americans were not necessarily peace loving people who communed with nature, They just were not very efficient at killing each other....possible wiped out several hundred species of nature, and were not to fussy about killing their brothers for the white man, for a price. Much like a good portion of the slave trade was carried on by blacks on blacks than sold to whites. There were alot more slaves in the central and south America than ever reached north of the Rio Grande, but than that is the reality of the situation.   Not very pretty, nor nice ... nor more important is it a justification for poor action now in 2011, but it is reality.  And none of us are going to fix anything unless we deal with reality.
            The people who you really like... you just hear and see them and you want to vote for them.  Ok just do some research and make sure the reality is as good as the dream.    Just be in the 5 percent normal one day at a time.   Lets take it back its ours any way
thank you

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a check with reality....but everyone knows that

Monday, August 22, 2011

United States, "You all know that"

If you read the first blog, you know what I mean by the 85 percent rule. Why is the 85 percent rule important in a political discussion ?  Because if 85 percent of elected officials are dumber than a box of rocks, and 5 percent are dumber than that, we have a problem.  We are taking orders from these people,  They are deciding our fate.
           First look at any group dynamic.  There is typically one person who is the loudest, several people nodding and agreeing, one person who has no clue and one who is challenging what the others are saying. 
             I mean do it for fun, try it any time you are around  5 people in a group, and just listen.  
Because of this 85 percent rule, I also explain that there are vertually NO absolutes that effect living things.  A broad statement but important.    For most of our lives, this is not a big deal.
How many times have you heard some one say.   "everyone knows that..."  Ladies and gents that statemetn is an absolute and it is absolutely  wrong.  I'm not talking about symatics either.  That everyone on the planet knows a fact, is very imporbable bordering on impossible.  Yet we say it often, and when its on an unimportant issue, great no big deal.   But when we make that statement or imply that statement  and you actually believe it...we move into scary territory.  
          Ok that is an abstract concept, with in the 85 percent rule, needed to throw that in there so you understand, how the rule impacts all of us.   Here is an over simplified but realistic example.
           "Everyone knows that illegal aliens are bankrupting local and state government"   Maybe partially true, but if you believe that statement as stated  and you vote for a law that or support and elected official that believes that, this could be a problem.   This is where the 85 percent rule comes into play, that 85 percent of a humans would believe this rather than say hold on , lets check the facts first.
           Relax, Im not in favor of an open door policey or amnesty, but neither do I believe that all illegal aliens are government moochers, so if there was a candidate or bill I would want it to narrow down what it does do.    In short, I would ask people to "think". 
         And if you do believe in an open door policey you are as much a part of the 85 percent, as the people screaming for deportation courts on every street corner.   Every country has finite resources and no matter how noble your intent....your intent does not put food on the table.  
         I have yet to hear any politician stand there and ask...." Hey, whats your idea ?"  Most of them have a plan, that involves an absolute concept, but the details are typically so broad that its ends up being more destructive than beneficial.
         Before writing about some specifics. lets get a few more facts straight.  If you live in the United States of America, you do NOT live in a democracy.  Get over it, its a fact.  at best you live in a Republic and if you cant see the diference, stop reading blogs and go read a book.  Because this difference is why we are where we are now.   Take it a step further....when was the last time you voted for a person you had picked to even run in an election "that mattered"
          Back to my rhetorical question when was the last time a politician ask you or us for an idea and this is a republic.    That  means they , the elected officials are supposed to be doing what we  you and I want.  NOT what they think is best for us, but what we tell them to do.   If 300, million Americans  wake up and decide everyone needs to wear pink mini skirts, the elected officials should try to talk us out of it but at the end of the day, they are supposed to pass the  "Pink Mini Skirt Bill"  because they represent us NOT rule us.
           ( The point is the use of generalizations and absolutes by our elected officials, how its use to keep you and I from asking real questions)
        So when was the last time any of these elected officials  did what they were elected for  and are paid for.     When was the last time you had an accurate method to know what your fellow constituents  wanted.
You realize the Electorial College was set up, because our founding fathers  believed the 85 percent rule back way back when.   Oh yes, there are many politically correct  rational given for the electorial college existence  but cut thru the B.S.  Our founding fathers did not trust you and me, so  elected officials ultimately decide the president.  Do you pick the delegates to the college??   Still think this is a democracy, and I havent gotten to corruption, this is back when the intent was still honest and innocent.
         So now people get picked by people in power, and you vote for them or not, while they speak in absolutes and  85 percent of the population are to dumb to say  wait , stop this isnt right, this isnt what was intended.  And if you do question, since you are in the 5 percent normal or 5 percent scary smart, you are branded in an absolute .  Traitor, commie, subversive.!!!!!  
           The good news is we can figth back, and I am not talking about violence... Im talking about impacting the people with the money who in turn will impact people in power. who decide who we vote for.  Just bare with me on this.   We  need to make  greed work for us, the universal God of those who make our decisions.
             Those people who we elect are supposed to be doing what we say.  They are also supposed to be educating us on why a decision is made.   " It will create 150 new jobs and bring revenue to the town " is not much of an education.  How about facts,  " It will create 150 new jobs, 10 of which go to my relatives and 100 will be on an island off the coast of China, the revenue will be 20 percent of profits, but tax right offs are 30 percent, and they will pollute the land around the company so after they leave the clean up will be in the millions or we cant use the land again for 200 years.    
        The other  night  Aug 17 2011  I listened to speechs about the Port Authority need raise  tolls to pay for infra structure.  For fixing roads, and bridges and the World Trade Center construction.   The United States demanded that we rebuild the world trade center !!!  At least that is what, the Port Authority is telling us.
Two things, who in  the Tri State is saying,  "rebuild the Trade Center, using toll and train tickets revenue"  who is saying that.  How about floating some bonds.   How about not paying 50 percent over time on a person who's base salary is 100, 000 dollars.  And more important, where is the revenue going that is coming in  every day of the week.  They reduced over time by less than 3 percent, there is something wrong there. How many emergencies do this people have? 
          Do you folks balance your check books?  Or does some one in your house hold balance the check books?  Than you can understand a balance sheet from the Port Authority.  Now dont worry because the Port Authority wont even show our State auditors their books, but you get my  point I hope.   There is no account ability from the Port Authority,  come to think of it there is no accountability from our State Government.  And "we"  are constantly being told that  "we"  ask for something.  Thats the excuse.  The voters asked for this...my constituants told me they wanted that....  New York City ask to rebuild the Trade Center...."   Did you ask for it?   I will admit  I wanted the trade center rebuilt, but I thought between insurance money in the billions  which we heard was paid, and private investors , and Port Authority Bonds, that would be how to pay for it.   Had they said  back in  2002 they would have to raise tolls and fares,,, I would have voted NOT to rebuild it.
         There are two things in our favor.  The world wide web, which is a vehicle to deluge elected officials and private companies with what we really want.  Nothing nasty... always polite but serious  short and to the point.  And second, the media,  the media has the short attention span, but they have used us for the last 40 years lets use them.   Again call them, email them...tell them that we have been trying to contact our elected officials and not getting any intelligent response.  With an election year coming up, this  is the time to strike.
Now its a news story.     The struggle  to take back the United States for the citizens begins with accurate information.  No more of the nonsense absolutes  spouted by the folks on the news.   As painfull as it might be we want factual information and "we"  can push for it.  You want to tell me about immigration, tell me all about it.  If you want to tell us, we will all be better by cutting  social security and medicare... you better have some factual information for us.  How about this for a campaign slogan,  "read my lips, no more absolutes"
Sure it means you and I have to pay attention and think, but come on , thats not so hard, and it might be fun.
         Lets make them do there jobs, its a republic, they need to do what we say, and we need to think about what we tell them to do. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011The 85 percent rule and how it impacts our world part 1

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The 85 percent rule and how it impacts our world part 1

Greetings,  I guess like many people out there, I want my view to be heard.  I'm still naive enough to believe that "we"  the American people can make a difference.   So I will try with a blog.  
         This all started with a co worker conversation.  I made an observation, based on several meetings at work.  I called it the 85 percent rule, ( I'll explain shortly). What started as sarcasm in a conversation, turn out to be truth, or a perceived  truth.   It was suggested I put this all in a blog.
           Than the Year 2000  started, and the politics of the world, but more important the United States, began to frustrate many of "us". 
           Well now in 2011, it seems the 85 percent rule is more accurate than I dreamed and the politics of  America have reached such a destructive course that, I wanted to see how many others felt the frustration. And can we mobilize to do something about it.
           The 85 percent rule is a simple all be it sarcastic view on the species of human, and a way to understand why we do what we do.
            85 percent of the entire world population alive now, who had lived and will ever live is as "dumb" as a box of rocks, a fence post.
              5 percent is of normal intelligence
              5 percent are so smart it scary
              5 percent are dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks.
I'm defining dumb as a person who has the correct information but decides to ignore it for what ever reason or has access to the correct information and ignores it. People who do things to follow the crowd, who decide not to reason a decision out because its to difficult.
                We are all guilty of this at some time, the important thing is to realize this and decide to change, to "think" .    Now little matters,  like a cup  of  coffee versus a foam latte with a marsh mellow,, hey no big deal.  But voting for some one, picking a life style...than you should have to think.
                How is this a political blog, because the 85 percent rule impacts us all , including elected officials.  And those that vote or pay to put them in office.
                 Lets be very clear, I do not want people to think like me, I only ask that people think.
If I were perfect, I wouldnt be writing a blog. 
                 I know that the statements of the 85 percent rule anger people, but what I have observed, tells me its right.  I also understand  observation is not imperical data, yet, the satistical trend keeps on showing up.
              So I hope you read these, comment ( with out getting nasty )  and hopefully  "we" can reach a concensous , on what to do to fix the problem , and take back our government.
               Its necessary to bounce between talking of the Country issues and the 85 percent rule.  It all ties in.
Part of the problem, is that when we as people and elected officials  discuse or decide on an issue we look at in a  "vacuum"   while the reality is that  everything we humans do, tie in together, regardless of if we want it to or not.
          Here is an example.  And I am delibrately trying to make it extreme so you see why I state our issues are  all tied together.
Your driving on the road and run out of gas.   Another car rear ends you blocking the road.  The blocked road  prevents the delivery of a heart intended for a patient in the hospital
You ran out of gas because you are short of money because your unemployed because your job went over seas
The other car ran into you because the driver was on a cell phone  watching a movie while driving
The heart transport company was trying to save money, so the patient died
That patient would have ended a dispute between to rival nations  so with his or her death the world was plunged into global war for 20 years.
              Yes I know, extreme but the idea is  your out of gas  worried about a job, not thinking about why the company went over seas  or why a person is driving and watching a movie.   Each a different issue but tied together.   I can do more realistic than that, however you get the point.
              Another key truth, is that there are very few absolutes involving life.  Those things that you absolutely  must do to live.
                You must be born, or this doesnt  matter
                 You must breath, you take in nutrients and fluids.  You must remove waste.    Beyond that you do not have to do anything!   I dont even say eat, you can get nutrients without eating.  You do not have to have children for YOU to live, you dont need clothing, you dont need to pay taxes.   Everything else is a bonus on the  how you live.  Clothes, realationships,  material items, all that is quality of life.  Just realize you can live without them, its only the quality of life would be altered.   
               Thats a good thing.   Because you decide what you want your quality of life to be, and that becomes what you fight for ... what you work for, etc.
              Again this all ties into where  America is going, who is ruling it and is there any thing "we" can do about it.
            I know many people have tried, but dang, many people have become political blocks, maybe we can become some one that is finally listened to.  Lets see.