Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just when you thought they might not be stupid, they open their mouths.

Libya. President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called for the removal of Qadhafi. Just want to make sure we’re talking about the same thing before I say, yes I agree, I know I didn’t agree. I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason – no, that’s a different one. I gotta go back to … Got all this stuff twirling around in my head. Specifically, what are you asking me, did I agree or not disagree with on what? … Here’s what I would have – I would have done a better job of determining who the opposition is and I’m sure that our intelligence people have some of that information. Based upon who made up that opposition – based upon who made up that opposition, might have caused me to make some different decisions about how we participated. Secondly, no, I did not agree with Qadhafi killing his citizens. Absolutely not. So something would have had to be – I would have supported many of the things they did in order to help stop that. It’s not a simple yes-no, because there are different pieces and I would have gone about assessing the situation differently, which might have caused us to end up in the same place. But where I think more could have been done was, what’s the nature of the opposition?

          This is candidate Cains, response to the question, regarding how he thought President Obama handled the issue of Libya.   Now keep in mind  Cain asked for the interview, this was not impromptu.   What should scare voters is, 
A)  Cain answered the question.  If you don't know something, even a politician can tell a journalist, that they had not look thoroughly into a question.  He could have simple said, Yes on this issue Obama handled himself well.  Instead, because it was Obama, Cain had to struggle to come up with a negative about the president
B) Actually stated in  A),  this finding fault with the other party simply because they are the other party.  People this is the United States, we are all supposed to be working together toward a common good.  When some one does something right, give a quick answer to acknowledge it and move on.
C) the excuse given for his poor answer, was that Cain had not had much sleep.  Well some one should inform Cain that problems arise at all hours for the president of the United States, other factions on the globe don't check to see if the president has had his 8 hours.
D) Cain wanted this interview to deal with questions he thought he would be asked; I'm guessing the sex scandal.  Hell folks I'm not running for any position, and I know  the media ask what it wants in this country and there is no such thing as  " NO fair, that wasn't a good question"
                I'm picking on Cain because he is opening his mouth.  When others do,  I will point it out.   But this election truly is to important to leave it to mental midgets.
         Growing up, the politicked of the time like to talk about the threat of nuclear war.  I don't believe it was more than a threat, because it was not in the interest of either side to destroy the world.   In fact I believe the threat is stronger now, now that children and the mentally handicapped have either nuclear weapons or biological weapons.   But to the less glamorous part of our species, the greed factor.  The desire to have more money than your  GOD.  The stupid mistakes we make every day in the quest for the almighty buck.
        Despite barely struggling out of a depression ( stop calling it a recession)  our own FHA continues to provide loans to people with barely the money to by a TV much less a home.   Now word from China, that their banks rather than learning from the mistakes of the captiolist pigs, have decide to emulate facist war mongering dogs, and loan money to people who also will default.  Meaning the Chinese banks may soon need a government bail out.  ( yes there government, but its still the act of greed and stupidity )
          We need a Leader with the testosterone level  ( male or female ) to make tough unpleasant decisions to get our nation growing on safe and sound footing.  Not based on the stock market alone, but on our employment numbers. The number of people who feel secure that their is food on the table and a warm dwelling in the winter.  A leader who will actually balance the  cost cutting and the revenue increases.
         My personal railing against religion, is a discussion for future blogs, but, a leader of the greatest nation in the world, should not be leading us based on an unknown.   I'm sorry, there is no proof positive on Supreme Beings, nor a Supreme Beings intervention, in events on our planet, so, basing decisions on pray and divine intervention, when 300, 000, 000 people await results, is NOT what I want to hear is our plan.
          The buffoons, rather the newer candidates of the republican party truly scare me.  I can understand some middle state bumpkin, who never dun  grag gi ated they 7 grade, cause they didn't need it.  Depending on God.  Our new religious growth is very similar to 60,000 years ago, the knowledge we had than did not explain how light from sky, burn tree, kill moose.   But our leaders, should understand what lightning is, and explain it to the farm belt. Theocracies are easy,  God decides everything, its in Gods hands, we need to pray and see what he wants.  Even a republic is harder.  You have to make decisions and live with them.
        The only thing I can see good about the religious faction in any country is if  I could get enough notoriety  to convince these people, "God told me to tell you,  save your money, stop buying garbage, boycott companies that can't prove they pay ALL their employees world wide a fair wage and provide benefits...yep God told me this last night, honest , oh one last thing, God said the oil industry belongs to Satan and he wants us all on renewable NOW "  than I could be religious again.
         Right now I'm asking you to make the decision, look hard at the character of the person you are voting on.

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