Monday, November 21, 2011

Alls quiet on the idiot front

Well  pretty uneventful we can focus on what matters, like "America has talent, but not on this show"    " Real New Jersey housewives, that no one cares about"  "Survivor 2011, island of the media inspired misfits"  and  "Dancing with the wanna be's "
          Its not as if the super committee in congress failed to come up with a way to cut, spending and raise revenues in a way that would help sustain the American economy.  Oh wait they did fail...hmmm. Oh well, automatic cuts and taxes are going to kick in to save us 1. 2 trillion dollars, oh wait, the answer of the super committee is to re visit the "sequester" to ease some of those taxes and cuts.  Nothing like being able to change the rules when you don't like the game.  
           But other than that, nothing much going on, unless you include the people killed and injured in Egypt, because the military doesn't want to give up power.  Or that the majority of Egyptians who favor a non sectarian form of government, will probable be turned into an Islamic Theocratic regime.  
          How about the news, that you haven't heard unless you listened to some obscure radio station, regarding the Chinese Banks, about to bust, for (wait for it ) bad loans?  Less the Chinese don't need to learn the lessons of the west, just because we screwed up royally pouring money into bad positions doesn't mean the Chinese can't pour money into bad loans.  Or that the strikes for higher wages and benefits, will impact the economy in China, not when they can gun people down in the streets and the rest of the world will continue to buy their " hazardous waste " products  ( Well that hasn't happened yet, but it will in the coming year) the Chinese public wants to buy the products they are making, and to do that they need money, and the government, doesn't like giving up money.
           Meantime, our presidential race, continues with each candidate getting conflicting messages from God.    Poor Newt,  God must really be messing with him, 5 years ago God told him we needed to raise tax revenue, this year its no new taxes, read my  TelePrompter"  
          So we are safe in our nation  to pay no attention to the  Hispanic Muslim who wanted to bomb us in the name of the peace loving religion, and watch our nit wit programing , praying that the basketball season can start in Earnest, so that several hundred people can make millions playing a game while you and I, worry about paying our bills

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