Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Im not with the 1 percent but Id like to be

 Fair is fair and I'm getting really tired of hearing about the 1 percent.  I can assure you I'm not even close to the  1 percent of wealth.   I have yet to get on my "soap box" about athletes and entertainers, except one blog reminding you folks that we actually can control their salaries if we choose to.  The 1 percent is not actually a problem.   Its that only 53 percent of us pay taxes, or the fair amount of taxes. "According to a 2011 article by CNBC writer Jeff Cox,[53] the 1% does not constitute merely corporate CEOs, bankers or stock traders, but also people in occupations not typically targeted by wealth disparity protesters. Based on a 2010 study by Jon Bakija et al. covering data since 2005 (whose results, Cox concedes, would be affected by the 2000s recession), executives, managers and non-financial supervisors make up 6.35% of the 1%, while finance professionals make up 2.77%, doctors 1.85% and lawyers 1.22%. Other occupations such as farmers, scientists, pilots, real estate professionals and entertainers each comprise about 0.5% of the 1 Percenters. Cox states that sources vary on the minimum yearly income to be considered among the 1%, ranging from about $500,000 to $1.3 million, whereas CEO salaries average $3.9 million, $10.6 million for those whose companies are in the Standard & Poor’s 500 and $19.8 million for companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Cox adds that the wealthiest of the 1% (that is, the .001%), make only 19% of their income through their salaries, and make the rest through investment income, which are taxed at different rates, that they pay a disproportionate amount of their incomes to income tax, having paid 40% of the total federal personal income tax in 2006, whereas the 5 Percenters paid 60%.[53]
Cox also states that the phenomenon of wealth concentration among a small segment of the population is a century old, and argues a direct correlation between this and the health of the stock market, stating that 36.7% of the United States' wealth was controlled by the 1% in 1922, 44.2% when the stock market crashed in 1929, 19.9% in 1976, and has increased since then. Cox also says that it has intensified at the same time that the United States changed from a manufacturing leader to a financial services leader. Cox takes issue with protestors' focus on income and wealth, and with their embrace of allies such as Susan Sarandon and Russell Simmons, who are themselves in the 1%.[53]
Joseph Barro of National Review offers similar arguments, asserting that the 1% includes those with incomes beginning at $593,000, which would exclude most Wall Street bankers.[54]"
           Neither do I agree that  35 percent tax on people making over 200,000 dollars is too high.   As I pointed out, first they are not taxed a blanket  35 percent,  the majority of the money is taxed as the same rate as we mere mortals, unless them make gobs more money over 200,000.   In which case the higher rate kicks in.  
          The liberal 1 percent, who cry out for a new tax rate, seem to be missing something here.    I do my own taxes with the aid of a computer program.  I enter my own investments, dividends, bank accounts...that is all separate....when it comes to deductions,  I do not have to put any.   Lets be clear, if you want to pay more taxes  you just do NOT enter the deductions on your computer program , or tell your accountant not to take the deductions, or the guy from the corner store at H&R block.   Easy you are paying more taxes, which means those claiming they should pay more, have to be readers of "Uncle Remus"     "please don't toss me in the Brier patch  please ".     We don't need new taxes, we need existing taxes  paid fairly.
        We don't need the "million air "  tax cuts instated for the rest of the century, let them run out.
Part of the troubling issues with both parties and many of the chuckle heads who unfortunately have the right to vote, is the "polarization" which is a 10 dollar word for , not willing to compromise to make something useful for the country to happen.   Hell get me in an hour and I will rant about the fraud, taking place, taking the limited resources because our central government, be it city, state of  federal  are dumber than the 85 percent.  Staffing enforcement, to insure fraud, is caught and eliminated is a cost effective method of insuring people who really need social programs can get them.
        Yes we have idiots who say that  finger printing recipients of food stamps is terrible.  These are also people who believe unicorns will inherit the earth and that the new math taught in our schools will actually help some body ( beside those paid to come up with the crap being taught)   
               But the bottom line here, is the word compromise and reality.   We need to do both , cut spending which I believe can be done by elimination of fraud, at all levels including corporate, and by paying fair share of existing taxes.  Those loop holes were  nice when we were rich,  we are no longer, so cut the nonsense.    Newt Gingrich is an idiot,  I will gleefully throw out  illegals, who consider our laws for the suckers... I don't care if they have 8 kids by 10 wives, which is probable more common than you realize.    Poor  Grand Mama... she so struggles to pick up her welfare, SSI,food stamps, Medicaid checks, and she has been in this county a whole  4 weeks, where is the humanity????
          Hey middle America, learn to do your own lawns, nails, and boycott  lettuce until they use Americans to pick it.
I'm picking on illegals because, there is no way there buying taco shells ,  tight jeans , two six packs is boosting the economy in the face of  health care cost, social programs and a disproportionate amount of crime.
           The compromise is this, people illegally here who do work, do  obey the laws,  only take a fair share of social programs,  yes I want them to have amnesty.  The people who have done it legally,  cudo's to them...but some one busting there butt and earning there place, I say welcome aboard.
              The political parties can reach a mutual deal, they simple do not want to .  This is a global game of chicken, with the result of  losing a country to gain an election.   The height of stupidity.   You need to get out of the 85 percentage until the election is over.     Insist that these mental  defective  fools,  compromise on the issues and get our economy moving.
Do not  NOT vote, if you don't like the party candidates, vote for the last person on the list, but don't give up your vote.
Its reality check time folks.  Lets get this done.

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