Thursday, October 27, 2011

thank you for your response to the tax issue blog.

My fault if my view wasn't clear.  Your comments are correct.  I believe our tax code needs to be addressed and corrected.   My blog poking fun of the sound bite rhetoric, either 9 9 9 or 20 percent tax, is just poking fun at the sound bite and foolishness in believing it.   As you note there are already exceptions in the plan but neither the candidates or media focus on these.
         As to myself, I don't want to pay more taxes, however, if I believed that everyone was paying a fair share, and that the money would be used as intended, I would be willing to pay more taxes to get my country my society on a stronger economic footing.   Taxes don't have to be stagnant, the system can be fluid depending on what is needed.
        I resent the sound bites because, too many people will believe those sound bites, and make an election decision based on miss information.
            We do need to cut spending, and we do need to raise income.   My message is, what are we willing to cut.   I'm willing to pay for some department that actually goes after fraud and corruption and does something about it.
         Social programs do not condition all of the recipients to get lay back.  Yes a percentage do, but at least if the statistics gathered are accurate, 20 percent of those recipients are ashamed to have to receive them and more than 55 percent state they would prefer working to receiving hand outs.   Can I prove this, no wish I could.  of the remaining 45, that doesn't mean that 45 percent love staying home.  About 15 percent, feel its "owed" to them and its not there fault.
         But social welfare is a small portion of the government budget.
Yet like most Americans, I do support getting the fraud out of those same percentages.  Like most humans  I resent some one getting something for nothing.
      I also want the doctors who lie or cheat Medicaid falsely  prosecuted.  I want the corporate owners using those illegal aliens ( who are getting welfare ?? ) I want the owners jailed and fined.
           I want the system fair, its not happening in my life time.  But if enough Americans make that the rally ,   BE FAIR ACROSS ALL CLASSES, it could happen in your life time or your child's.  
          I want it to start, but not with a sound bite
thank you for your comments.


  1. Frank 3rd - I'm glad you appreciated the comments, it seems like I am the only one who posts comments to your blog on the blog itself - if other people are commenting they should be encouraged to post here - I would be interested in seeing what other readers think. I posted as anonymous because I was having problems posting awhile back under my Google log in.

    One thing on your post above with regard to the sentence "But social welfare is a small portion of the government budget. "

    2010 actuals as per the CBO:

    $700Bn for Social Security
    $520 for Medicare
    $273 for Medicaid
    $437 for income security (Includes unemployment compensation, Supplemental Security Income, the refundable portion of the earned income and child tax credits, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, family support, child nutrition, and foster care.)
    $139 for retirement and other disability

    All about $1.9T out of a $3.45T 2010 budget or 55%. Back in 2000, these programs cost us $951Bn and have grown on average by 7.6% per year since. Thank you Mr. Bush for your compassionate conservatism.

    I consider all of the above Social programs and they are classified as Mandatory spending.

    If we are deciding as a society we need to do this because we want to take care of those who need help then fine, but it is a majority of the budget and we need more to pay for it all. You can tax people more and see how that goes - but even if you took all of the income earned by the top 1% (2009: $1.324T as per it wouldn’t cover this.

    Stimulus spending on job creation does put people temporarily back to work and gives them the dignity of earning a living and money to spend, but what happens when the stimulus money dries up? Look at what happened in Europe to their solar industry when the subsidies were cut back. I am reading about the same thing happening here. For clean energy technology to truly grow and prosper we need constant innovation so that costs go down. When you subsidize something, you are implicitly saying that you are OK with the way someone is doing things (like extending unemployment for 2 years) and it lessens the urgency to change because you are not truly having to compete. Yes, the Chinese are subsidizing, but I’m sure you are reading the same reports as I am that the “Chinese miracle” might not be all it is cracked up to be. We need to really take a hard look at why companies are choosing to outsource, why banks aren’t loaning, why companies aren’t hiring more and address those root causes but it will require people from both parties to put aside their sacred cows and really do what is in the best interest of the country.

  2. I'd try outsourcing my company's jobs if I could, even if it the labor costs elsewhere were equal to my current labor costs here in the USA.
    Why? Because a lot of people in this country do not want to work for a living. They want to be paid for being at a place they call "work". But, they do not want to work at "work". They want to surf the internet, take extended lunches, gossip about idiots that live in New Jersey, play with Apps and finally worry about when they get to go home.
    It isn't fun to look for talent amongst today's American youth. It isn't easy or rewarding to employ them. It is pull-your-hair-out hard. To make matters worse, I have to pay a pretty penny for them - $7.25/hr thanks to NY State. You may say $7.25/hr is horrible. And it is. But only because NY State has labelled it "Minimum Wage". So, naturally, no one wants to work for the minimum amount of pay. When they do deign to be degraded by working for the "minimum wage" they expect that the work should be equally minimal. If it isn't, well, they'll make sure they spend more time surfing the Internet, at lunch, gossiping about idiots that live in New Jersey, playing with APPs and...uh oh...I see a circle formimg.

    I know what I wrote addresses just a single sentence thrown out in the response above...but, it's an answer as to why companies may outsource - work ethic, expectations & money.

  3. I have to say I agree with both above, the entitlements here seem to grow expo exponentially. Yet the businesses are stifled with a multitude of fees and regulatory almost useless paperwork it seems... I should know. I started a business and gave up soon after.... So you've list another potential job creator...
