Monday, October 10, 2011

Lower Taxes and more Sports Shirts !!!!

Apologies for the absence, life has a nasty habit of taking priorities.
        Well in the interest of being honest, my own "baby boy"  re-enforced the fact that taxes alone do not impact employment.  But in actuality the president and the executive branch, have little to do with employment.  Once again I state, my reason for publishing the "High" tax periods that had the "LOW" un-employment numbers was because the republicans are using this as a sound bite.  Republicans and the "tea" party rally around " low taxes"  "high employment"  this is false.  Once again, my blog so I get to repeat what I want.  If low taxes meant low un employment, than why is un employment so high now with the low taxes.
        Lest you be screaming "what low taxes?"  I am referring to taxes on the upper 5 percent of the U.S. economy.   Another favorite of mine, is the republicans refused to give tax breaks to companies that start up in the United States, or hire in the United States.   Do you not find that strange that republicans are not willing to reduce taxes for companies that open and or  work in the United States and hire US workers, while saying we need to lower taxes.  Well if the republicans dont want to lower taxes on US located companies, than who are they planning to lower taxes on?  ( Rhetorical Question)   would that leave only companies OUTSIDE the United States.?? 
          But I guess if a certain protion of the United States population is deciding who to vote on based on how the candidate deals with Israel, and not based on how they deal with problems in the United States than it makes sense Congress would care about companies not located in the United States not hiring American workers.    Hey  Omar Gadafi  is looking for work!  If he came to the United States, and ran on a policey of Israel NOW !   I  bet that certain part of this population would vote for him for president.  ( While this is sarcasm, that people decide on US politicians based on the candidates views of Israel is not a joke, its scary but not funny)
       But you dear reader are faced with another reality.   The United States is ranked 35th out of 65 nations in taxes.  France comes in as about the highest.   It comes down to social choices and what do we as a people want?  Europe which generally has higher taxes and the ever popular higher gasoline prices, does get more for there tax dollar than the United States.  Schools, Health care, earlier retirement, some consider better social services.
     Remember how I keep repeating, there is no perfect society, it takes a careful blending of all social economic forms to create the so called Utopian society. 
        This raises some interesting questions.  " What do you want?" 
         Listening to an interviewer asking questions of some of the protesters  at Wall Street , the interviewees, spoke of  " more equality " in disbursement of money.  Hmmm  sounds good, but what is a more equal ?  This is not a rhetorical question.   I joked " If the leaders of the major firms located in Wall Street, came down, to the protestors and said , you won, what do you want?  What would they answer??"  A lot of generalities, a lot of  "peace in our time"   But who ever stops and thinks, what are you willing to do in return.
         Fact, there are finite resources in this world.  Fact, we are not all created equal, fact, the planet as it exist today is only capable of sustaining  X number of people, with those people in a given social economic condition, ( we can't all be rich)
         I ask the question "what do you want "  for a number of reasons.  Most of us people like to think we are fair, good, and practical people.   Most of us don't like to think  85 percent of us are dumber than a box of rocks.   Fact, neither scenaror,  good and practical, dumber than rocks is 100 percent accurate.
       One of my favorite groups to pick on are the religious, its so easy, like shooting  Bambi.
Christians, who claim to be Christians but support war, the death penality, condemn homosexuals and abortion.  Hey Christians, guess what, no where in the Bible does God support war.  All those references to the old testament and war.  Those were direct orders from God to wipe out the people in the middle east.
         Any body hear from God, in the last 1000 years to go to war??    Never mind that God sponsored genocide, in the old testiment, killing men, women, children, and animals.  Its should lead a sane person to ask "why the animals, were the animals sinners too?  Can't we convert the sheep?  Sheep are such good company on those cold win....errrr never mind?"   By our human standards God is a war criminal.  First he created the people of  Caanan, etc, than he orders the Jewish people to wipe them out in the style of genocide.   But, its God, he gets to have all the fun.    Well, did God tell any one to start the 100 year wars,  how about the Franco Prussian?  Maybe the "boxer rebellion?  Any one see the burning bush. "thou shall go into Iraq!"    
         Now I did find reference in the bible against  homosexuality, but try as I might I couldnt find any reference to killing them?  Nor beating them unmercyfully or mercyfully.   
          Hey  "Tea Party"  what was it Jesus said  " render unto Casear those things that are Casear's and to God those things that are Gods"   that means pay your taxes and stop whinning.
         Please do not think I excuse any other religion, to me they go down hill from Christianity, with bigger and bigger lies.  However, if you claim to be religious, how about obeying your laws, except the part about killing infideles who dont convert.   
        You shouldnt be whinning about taxes, you shouldnt be calling for the death sentence, nor supporting wars.   That is up to God to decide folks.   And we all know what a great sense of humor God has,
             So the question remains, "What do you want?"   Good Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu's , Zen Buddist, etc.  Than render to God what is Gods and the government what is the governments.
       Pay your taxes, demand and end to all wars, stop judging people lest you be judged.
Me, I dont believe in any supreme being so I can judge, complain, and whin.
          Another  interviewer asking people on the street about the presidential candidates, what they see as the main issues.  With a response like "The government dont listen to us"  the next question should be " What do you want them to listen to, what do you want?"    "lower taxes !"  ok, what services will you willingly  give up.   Lets cut the hell out of social security, those people are old, they dont have long to live any way ! 
No not social security, how about the military, lets cut the defense budget by 100 billion dollars,  Im sure no one else on this planet wishes any harm to the United States and we can do without a military or a reduced military.  ( I dont even believe that while I write it)
          As much as I enjoy pointing out the deficincies of government and large organization, nothing is getting fixed until we fix the deficincies of our self.   Stop and ask your self, what do I want, what am I willing to give up.  If you arent willing to give up something , than dont expect any one else to give up anything.  And if none of us sacrifice, it will at best stay  the same, at worst, things will go down hill. because the world resources are finite.  You and I don't get to decide, who has enough, unless we are willing to be under that same magnifition glass.  Maybe some one things  YOU have enough and should give something up.
         Its not really our form of government that is so awful, its what our form of government has become, and we the individual citizens let it become this massive nameless form that truely doesnt listen to the individuals any more.   You want it to change, than put your own house in order, next time some one ask you what you want, have some specifics. " I'll pay  30 percent federal tax, but I want the gasoline tax  removed"
          Of course none of this will happen until you all think just like me ?   Nah I dont believe that either but it sounds good.

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