Thursday, October 13, 2011

Its pointless If I don't follow my own advise

Well the individual I refer to as my conscience has pointed out my reference to the McDonald's hot coffee case was backwards.  Not there wasn't a supremely stupid act committed, but the act was that of MacDonald and not the woman injured.
1) I am guilty of slipping into the 85 percent for not getting facts before developing an opinion
2) the woman is still a little dumb for putting a cup of hot coffee between her legs in a car
3)  McDonald's takes the prize for "dumber than a box of rocks " for not allowing the coffee to cool a tab before serving.  The 190 degrees needed to brew coffee, is not drinkable by any of us, but a super small minority.   What makes McDonald's super dumb, is that had numerous complaints and suites for this very reason.  You have a product that has the potential to harm some one.  The fix to the problem doesn't cost you any thing beyond telling your staff,  "Don't serve the coffee  hotter than 170"  The excuse that "experts" insist that for the best taste from coffee it be served at 180.
Do we go to MacDonald's for its world renown  eloquence?
Does Mc Donald's have data indicating that 70 percent of their customers sniff, sip and swirl the first mouth full of scalding coffee before spitting it into  silver pails located at each table. Than order the "Colombian Dark 7:30 am"
   Watch the cooking channel and tell me the first coffee taster you see actually drinking the coffee at that temperature.
If you have over a 1000 complaints about people being burnt, figure another 10 percent don't complain, than do the right thing and lower the serving temperature.
          I will never agree to the warning labels stating the obvious, I must change my mind about the dumber of the two,  elderly woman vs. mega company that knows there is a problem.
          My son pointed out, the blog on higher taxes was misleading.  Deliberately so, but he is right, the question of taxes alone does not directly relate to job creation or loss.   I did, state I was using this 10 second sound bite because the republicans were using it.   If the American public can only handle single or double syllables words in short burst,  than I am correct, " High tax on  Rich, make more job, fire good !"
           Reality is that it depends on how the money is used, but it would seem the majority of those who vote, and those who don't vote but like to be interviewed, are not interested in the realities of the world, never mind the realities of the United States.   Over taxing middle income people, contributes to a slow economy.  Or it did, its possible in a new world order where it seems like people are NOT responsible for there actions, not having money does not stop them from speeding.
          That brings us back to what caused this mess, or contributed to this mess of  Depression ( I refuse to call it a recession  ).  Really stupid or foolish people borrowing money for homes, and other items that they should have known they had no real way to pay back.   The only ones dumber were the loaners of that money, who supposedly knowing better, with there years of expierence, and their higher educations should have determined,  " Client A  makes 15,000 dollars a year, Client A wants to borrow 500,000 dollars/
 Client A chance of paying this loan in 30 years, slim to none.   Approved !!!.  We will sell Client A's loan to some other lending organization, take less profit on the loan, but not have to worry about it.  Fire GOOD "
        Regardless, I  need to correct my errors, as in the McDonald coffee case and clarify my position as in the tax vs employment issue.   Its bad enough when the people you elect and trust, and depend on lie to you , cheat you , and ignore you,  that is to be expected.   But the author of a Blog, needs to be held to a higher standard than government officials.

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