Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is it possible the republican candidates got something right?

         Last night  Tuesday Oct. 11 2011 the  republican candidates meet yet again to discuss  and debate why everything the democrats do is wrong and how republicans will save us.
           During the debate, the candidates pretty much agreed that the problems with the economy were not Wall Street, but the government.
           Well they are right, but for the wrong reasons.  The government removed so many of the regulations and restrictions previously placed on the capitalist system, that Wall Street among others were allowed to act with reckless, greed, totally ignoring the human damage and carnage they left in there wake.  So yes government failed the American public by ignoring the 85 percent rule, that 85 percent of the people running the financial world and private industry are dumber than rocks.
          First, why is it that so many people  assume that the CEO's and CFO's are brilliant and know what they are doing ?   Possible because the people who believe that are so damn dumb?    Now I do not take away credit from those who truly worked hard, and brought there companies and wealth up.  Some of them are brilliant, shrewd and deserve to be admired or respected.  But the majority, not so much.   Remember, greed is dumb, not because I say so or get hurt by it, but it is self defeating.
        When you "kill" your market, by cheating them or pricing things so they can not buy your product, you doom your company.   Now consider that many of these  brain dead s.o.b's don't care.  Their premise is simple,  " I got my money, screw you"    but that mentality is destructive to society.  If we all decide that is the route we want to take, hey, I'm wrong and lets get to it.  But I have a feeling that most of you, believe that we should care about the group we live with.  
          So back to the point that government did fail us, by removing the restrictions that protect our society.
Like telling banks you cannot borrow 90 percent of the money with only 10 percent in hard assets to back it up if something goes wrong.  You cannot loan out money to people at less than it cost you to borrow it.
You cannot "drill baby drill" for oil and gas unless you know as realistically as possible what damage if any that drilling will do to the land around you.   You can't ship your company over seas, without training the people you left behind  AND you are counting on to buy the products you are now making 3000 miles away.  In a country that believes pollution and high mortality rates are a national goal and good for population control.
          The republicans are right, government failed to tell the private sector " you cannot rape and pillage the American economy in the name of capitalism and a free world economy"
           The "Ooccupy Wall street", may not have a cohesive message, but basically these people are right.
And they are not only "lay abouts"  "goof offs" with nothing else to do.  Well they don't have anything to do, because they lost there jobs.   Teachers who had 10 years in the system,  researchers, librarians, waiters, etc. These are people who would love to be too busy to protest.  Its not just students who think it is cool to protest, this is your grand mother and grand father out there.  The sad truth, is the protest in of them self will accomplish NOTHING.  You need the nation to decide how we want our society to move forward.  Do we toss aside people who have done what society said.  Study, go to school, work hard, pay your taxes, and just when you think  your safe, we dump you on the street??
My question from yesterday, now goes to all of you, "What do you want from society?"  why kind of world do you want?
           Here are some interesting numbers.  Yes I looked them up at random, but its not really "cherry picking"  I just took the numbers and wonder whats wrong here?
         A head of ice burg lettuce  cost on average  .69 cents to get on the truck headed for your store, that includes growing it, the farmers overhead, the cost of harvesting it, all cost at the farm level.  Another 20 cents to get it to market.  Try getting a head of lettuce for under a dollar in New York City?
         Actos a drug for diabetics  is about  $8.25 cents per pill in the U.S. and 50 cents in Europe
Eldepryl is 45 cents in Rome, 1 dollar in London and 2 dollars in U.S.
Pentamidine ( for pneumonia )  is 50 dollars in England  and 150 dollars in the U.S.
Eye Glass cost on average 14 dollars to make including frames, including the glass that YOU pay 500 dollars for.  Yes  its true. 
Gas  at  3.75 per gallon in the U.S. is 6.48 cents in the Netherlands ( Netherlands is the highest so far) but they have a gas tax used for transportation cost, roads etc, and research into  renewable energy and a value added tax of 19 percent for the government to use for education, health care, housing . etc.
What do we in the US get for our taxes on a gallon of gasoline.
           The government has failed us, letting private industry run this nation into the ground.  With about  17 percent of our national product in manufacturing the rest of it is service industries ( do you want fries with that , is a service industry )  how long can a society sustain is quality of life with that.
        When I volunteer to pay  $2.50 for lettuce, and $ 8 dollars for a pack of underwear.  its not because I'm a bleeding hearted liberal, its because I'm a self serving capitalist who realizes that paying people better wagers, realistic and fair, increases the tax base, which provides more money for education, health care, so I don't have to pay more.
          I don't talk about fraud or cheating, because you don't need a blog to tell you, that should be prosecuted from top to bottom.   I believe a welfare cheat should be shoot at dawn with rusty bullets.  But welfare cheat includes   Corporate welfare cheats...( think bank bail outs )   You cheat, you defraud, you are proving you do not care about the rest of us, fine, than we have no responsibility to you.   Talking to some co workers, they had completly forgotten that 6 months ago, the democrats tried to bring a bill to the floor to give tax relief to companies that started up in America or hired more people in the United States.  The republicans would not even let it be debated.   Is there some thing wrong here.   China subsidises serveral large industries ( I thought they were communist ??? I guess this is communist 4.0)  The average wage ( average good wage ) is $8.00 a day in China.   So based on this logic, the republicans want the United States to be more competative, so your salary and mine needs to drop to  $ 8.00 a  day.  Well let me say here and now, I will do this when everyone in Congress  takes  hmmmm.  $10.00  a day, gives up there fringe package or gives every American the same fringe package they have.   When every  CEO, agrees to give back all but, oh  $50 dollars a day, I will accept  $8.00  When Mobil Oil pays  90 percent tax on profits because 10 percent profit should cover the reduce cost.  I will take the $8.00 dollars.
          One more thought, I tried to avoid this, but it doesn't look like its possible.   Theocracies are among the worst forms of government in existence.   As I pointed out, how to you negotiate with God.  And theocrat's believe they are getting their directions from God.
          If you are considering the republicans as an electable choice, watch out for any candidate that invokes God constantly.  ( Perry and Michele )  not the god bless America, but God gave us a mandate, God wants us too....   Last night  Michele's reference to 666, or the sign of the anti Christ ( not the devil you idiot woman)  again should signal warning bells in all Americans.    This woman wants to be pope of the United States.   It might sound innocent, until she starts the witch trials and witch burnings again.  

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