Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yes Virginia, Santa Claus is under indictment

"In Superior, WI, City Councilor Greg Mertzig wants to pry the toys out of your tots’ kids meals at fast food restaurants just in time for Christmas....
In an interview Sunday, Mertzig claimed he is not anti-business and he is not anti-McDonald's. Mertzig sees the matter as a national security issue. Military recruiters are having a hard time recruiting physically fit young people, a symptom of what some have described as an “Obesity Epidemic” affecting our country’s youth.
In other words, if there’s a yo-yo nestled among the chicken nuggets, the terrorists will have won."
              And what makes this truly priceless is that Greg Mertizig put no blame on the parents who have not learned that  "NO" is not a four letter word and is completely allowable.
"The city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin makes it incredibly difficult to go out of business.  In order to close down a business, Milwaukee requires you to purchase an expensive license, you must submit a huge pile of paperwork to the city regarding the inventory you wish to sell off, and you must pay a fee based on the length of your "going out of business sale" plus a two dollar charge for every $1,000 worth of inventory that you are attempting to sell off."  
         And here is the double take on this one, some businesses use the "going out of business" as a ploy to get you into the store, thinking you will get a good deal, when in reality they are not going out of business, so they lied....ah ha....got them.... those dastardly  villains.. lying to the public about going out of business,when we thought we would get a good deal based on someones Else's  misfortune?   The first take is that the store did do something wrong beside lying about going out of business, but, think about it.  If the cost of something is to high, than don't buy it, if its a good price, than stop complaining.   Now if the store refuses to refund or take back merchandise based on going out of business and they aren't going out of business, than by all means, bring the weight of the law down on the store.  I prefer burning them out and killing the owners  but that's my take.
'In the state of Massachusetts, all children in daycare centers are mandated by state law to brush their teeth after lunch.  In fact, the state even provides the fluoride toothpaste for the children." 
       Here again we have an issue of  government good intentions going " south"   The concept of having children brush after lunch is very good.  And that a large number of children require day care because parents need to work so they can afford day care, is just another bizarre twist.   But making it a law, and providing the toothpaste because you were dumb enough to make it a law?  this is 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent.
"Federal agents recently raided an Amish farm at 5 A.M. in the morning because they were selling "unauthorized" raw milk."      I'm not sure what is more important here?  That the Federal Agents knew they were selling milk  or the arrest?   I have to say what worries me is the Federal agents knew , bothers me more.
Selling Raw milk is banned not because our government is spoiled sports, but because raw milk can have some nasty bacteria that will kill you.  ( Blame the French and Professor Pasture, he discovered this connection)   Had any one gotten sick, or died, the public would be outraged that "the government did nothing !!!!!"    or  " It was so easy to prevent, just pasteurized the damn milk "  than those same folks would sue the government and win for not demanding pasteurization or stopping the sale of raw milk.

          I found this one while looking for stupid regulations :
"WASHINGTON -- After much delay, the White House has finally released a proposed rule that would update child labor regulations in agricultural work. Put forth by the Department of Labor last fall, the rule had been stuck in red tape at the White House for nine months, angering workplace safety advocates who said the regulations need to be modernized."   
         Now this isn't passed yet, but this was on a web paged that allowed responses.   What is more amusing than the law, is the response from many people about NOT needing a new law about child labor practice.
Some how I don't think the government is stopping young ns  from milking chickens and  feeding the cows.
Its more in the line of operating  combine machines or spraying  nerve agent insecticides.   While many people in rural America sing the praise of the   childruns  working the farm, next ta ma and pa.  I would image in is with the same sense of pride  middle America feels  having the kids our there in the fields as did the parents of children pulling the carts out of coal mines,  or placing there nibble little fingers in the spinning gears of  textile mills.  
Some goodies out of California :

       • In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.• Under State Law, many animals are illegal to own as pets, including snails, sloths, and elephants.
• Under State Law, no alcohol beverages can be displayed within five feet of a cash register of any store in California that sells both alcohol and motor fuel.
• State Law prohibits the setting of a mouse trap without a hunting license.
• State Law prohibits women from driving in a house coat.• Under California State Law, a vehicle without a driver may not exceed 60 miles per hour at any time.

          Perhaps my favorite and oldie  but a goody is putting warning labels on most everything.  The hot coffee warning on the cup of hot coffee, is a tad scary.   When you need a warning label on a cup of coffee that warns you the coffee is hot, you are proving that you are dumber than the 85 percent dumber than a box of rocks.    And if you need a warning label on a cup of coffee, you are most likely too stupid to either read the warning or even to understand the warning, which means the warning is useless.
          The Romans had an excuse, their plumbing was done through lead pipes, which had the potential to cause problems of brain function  and problems reproducing,  1000 years from now ( if we are still here) what will be our excuse for complete decay of our society.
        Yes I am in favor of regulations that protect our citizens from foolishness and greed.   From people who might do things in a business that have a high potential in being hazardous to our population.  And the truth be told, its not always obvious.   You might not realize that your waste product can destroy a water source  5 miles away.  Or  that your process for manufacture is slowly killing your workers from an invisible toxin.    Not all regulations are bad.  
         But we do not seem to have a system to review our laws and regulations to remove those that are out of touch with reality.    Just making  a blanket statement to remove government regulations is a stupid as a statement  to keep many of the rules and regulations which are no longer of importance to society. 
         While I do believe we should continue  fining "cats and dogs .... have sex without a permit"  
 more important why are cats and dogs having sex, see this is proof of the slipper slope in allowing gay marriages !!
         There are lots and lots of regulations, as I started to read some I realized, this is a life's work, but not my life.   
          Some of these rules, smack of  " Do these people not have common sense"  and you might argue, " what is common sense to one person, could be totally unknown to another"
          Well lets call that, "thinning the herd "   you order hot coffee, its a good bet its hot.  I can see suing them if its cold, but because its hot and you were an idiot and burned yourself?
           You went to the top step of a ladder because it was there?  And you fell off so that is the manufactures issue?     You didn't think a two year old would put those steel balls in their mouth?    I have to believe that 50,000 years ago, Mrs Urg, was smacking baby Chug, "get pebals out of mouth, you make choke noise, great spirit of moose, make you blue, not move, smell bad, spit now !"
           There is a certain amount of responsibility that you sign on for when you are born.  If the little toys are made of lead or cadmium, manufactures fault, if they are made out of plastic and you let the child have the toy,  your fault. 
               Its also a good bet, that the fried in whale oil, pre buttered burger on bread with mayonnaise sauce, is not low in calories, nor is the double thick shake you washed it down with.  This is not Mc Donald's fault.  The use of salted salt on the salt is McDonald's issue.
            Now the other side of this is, you and I don't get to decide if an oil tanker is double hulled or not.  We get to be impacted if that tanker is sailed by a retired  alcoholic coke abuser who thinks the sea gulls are his ex girlfriend and ends up on the rocks polluting several hundred miles of beach and killing hundreds if not thousands of wild life.
             We don't get to decide if pumping water under pressure into an oil or gas well  1/2 mile from a fault line, where statistically it will cause a shift in a fault, ( earthquake )
           Nor do you or I get to determine if a bank or security firm, invest several billion dollars on investments and loans with almost no proof it can be paid back, but the bank uses credit for the purchase, so when the investment goes bust, not only is the money of the investment lost but the interest on the loan on the investment is also owed.  In short the  1,000,000 dollar initial investment now cost 1,100,000   guess who pays that??
         Regulations are needed, not all of them, many of them.  they need to be review, addressed, made usable.  But when you use a sound bite, "Get rid of government regulations"  you are proving you are part of the 5 percent dumber than the 85 percent.  Unless of course YOU  like have the medical waste being stored above your water aquifer?  Did I say governor of Texas ?  I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so biased. 

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