Monday, October 31, 2011

Response to the answer of the universe, or my blog which ever comes first

Its difficult to argue with the comments received about the two blogs.  I cannot say I disagree, so I won't.
             How ever I did state and continue to state, that the regulations and rules need to be reviewed to see if they are simple a new way for government to get money, or are they legitimate rules placed to protect people.
               It is a sad state of affairs, that many of the fees, placed for permits, and inspections are intended to generate income for over extended governments at all levels Federal, State, Local.
              But that doesn't mean, that all regulations and rules need to be tossed aside.   The said truth is that most safety regulations and paper work are based on some one screwing up, causing harm.
               So the public demands action be taken, and governments use a "shot gun " approach.  They hit everything in there path, including well meaning people, who are trying to earn an honest living.   However while the person responding, is a case of a well meaning person, how about the cases of shops selling tooth paste with toxins in the tooth paste.  And the phony labels on the product, pretending to  higher priced brands.  Or the expired produce.  If some one gets sick than the public wants to know why nothing is being done to prevent this.  
              We have created our own monster including government.   To many of us want the cheaper product, but not the responsibility of  using a cheaper product.
              So governments, take out the shot gun and everyone has to file  paper after paper, permit after permit.  Fee after Fee.  If you want a more surgical approach a more business specifics style of  documentation than you have to support bigger government,  and tougher penalties for people who abuse the laws.   So that operating this shops that sell or produce a hazardous product have to worry about a penalty that far out ways the reward of their operation.  
           What rules do we get rid of??    Which small business do we let open up without checking them out first.   What I believe is sadder than even the rules and regulations and fees, is that I doubt most of that paper work is ever checked, or checked in a timely manner. Than there  are the  bribes, kick backs, favors, in return for over looking the missing fire protection.  The blocked exits, the undocumented products sold.
           To fix this broad based problem, we need a cultural change, so people accept, responsibility for their actions.  The rules need to applied  fairly, but they need to be realistic.  People breaking those rules either the merchant or the buyer ( when they know that a Rolex doesn't cost 25 dollars ) needs to pay a stiff penalty for supporting those operating outside the bounds of our society.  You knowly break the rules than you pay a penalty that will stick with you for a long time.  This proves that the people operating within the rules were not chumps.   A government official taking a bribe, I like the old Roman method, in a sack, throw into the Hudson river....but your not letting me do that are you??
          More to the point of why I wrote that blog.   I'm tired of politicians being elected via sound bite. 
I tired of hearing people talk about candidates going to do this or that based on a 60 second sound bite.
           If you like some one, investigate them.   This people control our lives, decide how our money is going to be spent, decide whats taught in our schools.   Isn't it worth a few hours over a campaign to see if these people do more than talk .
           My own son will "kill " me.  I voted for Obama, because I thought he had the guts to do something to help this country.   Well Obama does talk the talk, but that's all he does...  So this election I have a dilemma, the republicans so far are worse, their talk is primitive sub culture ignorant  rhetoric.  But I don't want 4 more years of fired up speeches that go no where.   Maybe if a candidate stated they would investigate all the rules and regulations to see what is still valid and useful, I could vote for that person.
         Perhaps I can start just posting  various regulations, and we readers can sent them off to our elected officials and ask  " What the hell is this one for ?"  and if they don't know, maybe its time to get rid of it.
           As to education,  none of us get to tell the people how to spend there money.  Besides  I don't want them sending up trust funds for education, I don't trust them any more than I trust our government.
           Yes, I am well aware of the College degrees that are pretty much wall decorations.  But the people who sign most of the checks like having their people with those wall coverings.   Hell,  I have a masters and bachelors  and would be the first to admit, they don't mean a damn thing.   Oh wait, the exercises of getting them did teach me a better  way to study what I do want to know.
             If you disagree with another tax, well we agree to disagree.   And I do realize that the 2 cents per unit of various energy actually cost you and myself MORE than 2 cents, however, it doesn't hurt as much when you look at it that way.   We pay tax for school up to high school, why not college and trade schools.
              This I know you are not going to like, but the expected return on investment, I would expect on my idea is just an increase of  5 to 10 percent in graduation with degrees that actually benefit society.
           I know I didn't write about it, but the original projection I did, had a bonus for people who studied math and science.
           No, it doesn't prevent people from taking advanced degrees in basket weaving, but in this the "market" does control the field.  How many lawyers does a society absorb, or how many MB A's  how many PhD.      I know people who are damn good at doing there job, but can't get in for the interview because they don't have the degree on there resume.   A free education would go a long way to help in that situation.
          The folks who reply,,,, "Well I didn't have a free ride "  I say,  in our society we hope to make the next generations path easier than we had it.    If I am going to be taxed, (  and I am)   than I would like to decide where that money goes.
             Entitlement programs, when it comes to that, I sure not your "Mother Teresa"   I have no moral problem shipping illegal or undocumented people, back from where they came from.  Nor breaking up families to do it.   But knowing that, I also have to expect the cost of the products I use going up so the people here, will do the work.    I also believe any one hiring illegal or undocumented workers  needs to do some very hard time with very high penalties, money, dollars  paid for punishment.
             If you are getting Social Security, or disability and you don't really need it, if the claim is phony, than you should be thrown off, and have to pay back every dime.  But the doctors, or people who put you on those social programs have to join you , paying fines and doing free social service work.
          We also need to stop giving  "Industrial welfare"  If pharmacy manufactures want to charge 200 dollars a dose, than they have to pay back ALL the government research funds they got for that product.
        Capturing and punishing fraud, has to be across the board, from the illegal worker to the corporate CEO who has lawyers working to abuse the system.
             It all comes down to what part of the 3 trillion dollars in our projected budget, are we willing to give up, and what elected official will listen to us when we tell them what we want to give up??

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