Friday, October 14, 2011

And God said " what the hell happened here ?"

Some of the people reading this will wonder, why I am speaking up for a religion, any religion?   I wanted to avoid the religion issue for a while, but sometimes you have to "poke the bear"  and discuss the tough issues.
        I no longer believe in any supreme being.  I don't care if others do as long as it does not impact me.  Don't make laws that are religious based, and  control people ( me)  who don't practice a religion.   I have real concerns about elected officials or candidates who make use of religion and beliefs, to convenience others they should vote for them.    Its even scarier when a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate are telling a crowd of people that the war in Iraq is a holy crusade that God wanted.  ( Look at U Tube, you know who I mean)
           Having made pretty clear my lack of religious belief, I am here to say to any person, including the phony  ministers and pastors of the evangelical hypocrites, they have some nerve to accuse the Mormons of not being Christian.   It should be insulting to any person with a brain capable of thought to have these free loading, waste of good air, ( pastors, ministers, clerical )  talking about what is Christian.
It is only faith in Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ alone, that qualifies you as a Christian,” Mr. Jeffress said. “They embraced another gospel, the Book of Mormon, and that is why they have never been considered by evangelical Christians to be part of the Christian family.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says on its Web site that
“Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the Son of God. He is our Redeemer.”
In introducing the Texas governor, Mr. Jeffress told the audience they would soon have a choice between a “conservative out of convenience” and a candidate of true conviction. Mr. Perry, upon taking the stage, thanked the pastor for his introduction and said he “knocked it out of the park.”
Mr. Jeffress said he hasn’t discussed those views with Mr. Perry. And he conceded that if Mr. Romney wins the nomination, “I’ll hold my nose and vote for Mitt Romney.” He went on to say: “I believe a non-Christian who embraces Christian principles is more palatable than a Christian, and I’m accepting that Barack Obama is a Christian by his own statements, I would rather have a non-Christian who embraces Christian principles than a professing Christian who governs by un-Biblical principles.”

         This is typical of people  dumber than the 85 percent.   " It is only faith in Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ alone, that qualifies you as a Christian"   This would suggest that faith in Jesus and not practicing the teachings of Jesus count!    Because if you believe in what Jesus taught, you are supposed to love your enemies, you are NOT supposed to judge people  ( insert gay, or any social non conformist )  that is up to God to decide, not you humans.   If the pastor is correct about this Christian thingy, no Christian should be involved in a law suite, perhaps as a witness, but never doing the suing, that is not very forgiving.   No Christian should be in military uniform, Jesus never said, its ok to go kill people that government doesn't like.
         And the excuse, when  Christians  ( all religions are guilty but Christians are in this box today ) that the old testiment God authorized wars.  Well  wrong, God authorized genocide, which indicats a twisted sadistic supreme being, but even that, God directed the murde..... er....the war.    God has not directly spoken to any one lately directing them to kill there fellow human beings.    Humans are failable  they make mistakes, God will forgive them.   Please dont tell me you think  going to war is a human error, a human mistake.   Its not like the leader of a nation or its population, is taking a pack of gum from the store.... " oh lord please forgive my falling from grace, I stole a pack of gum, let me pay the owner and say 10 our fathers"
          " Oh lord, I don't know what I was thinking, I had congress declare war, and I caused the death of 200, 000 people and 500,000 maimed and injuried, 100 billions in damage and pshycological scares for generations,"
"Say your sorry, and do 10 hail mary's and 10 our fathers"
If you are Christian than be Christian, which means you do not judge other people, that is Gods  job ( if he/she exist)    Mormons  belief in Jesus, belief in doing good, while believing you can have multiple wives and you can rule a planet when you die. Is no worse than the belief  God wanted you to test your faith by drinking poisen or letting snakes bite you, or dancing and hoping around the church/temple.
          I have repeated stated that there are very few absolutes in life.  Absolute good people and bad people does not exist.  There are shades of "gray" , however, when you choose a profession the expectations that you will do better than the average person is a justified expectation.   I know of the law, but I'm not a lawyer, I dont know all the rules for a courtroom.  We hire a lawyer to know them.  I know many medical facts, but trust me, you don't want me removing your appendix.  Clergy, Priest, Ministers, those of the religious following are supposed to be more knowledgable and more apt to following the teachings of the religion than are part off.   The Bible is reported to be Gods words, directions, rules.   
         I have read passages that talk about  homosexual relations, and the directive, not to be one, not to take part in the partice.  But I have not seen any text in the bible  saying to "beat them up"  Nor to deny them the same rights as others.    I have never seen any text that says its ok to go to war.
              There is a little known  heather, who might make more sense all be it, this person is NO Christian !
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi, (attributed) Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
You might recognize the name?   The basic tenants of  Christianity, are a good form of living among our society.  Tolerance, of each other.   This is based on doing what God expects and not from what the people ( prophets )  added, supposedly what God said.     I added the Gandhi quote because this seems more Christian than the Christians.   Its funny having  Jeffress telling any one what is Christian.  Its funner that you need a council to tell people what is Christian.   The Bible seems pretty clear cut, what needs to be interpreted ?
         I will save my blog on religion for a later time. Two things should be considered by people living on this planet.   There are dozens of recognized religions, so if God does exist, the supreme being must be ok with this, cause he/she /it has not stepped in to correct this issue.  I mean, a supreme being could turn around and announce,  " He you down there, the ZEN Buddhist have it right, stop those other practices ! "  but so far that hasn't happened.  Second, the United States is a republic, NOT a theocracy,  it should not matter what religion a person is, running for a  electable position.  BECAUSE there religious convictions are not supposed to impact their decisions !  We are not voting for spiritual leader here.   If a candidate has a religious belief that does harm to other humans in a society, than it is a consideration.  Like eating a small child before the "state of the union" is given...We should frown on that.  That a person is Mormon, should not impact the decision to vote for that person, unless that person states or stated  they will create a national religion once elected or pass any laws supporting a religion.   Deciding which religion is Christian, should be left to the followers of that religion to decide.  Not a free loading , non tax paying hypocritical MORON ( not Mormon) who can't do any real work, so they claim to be a preacher.    
         When we pick a president based on their religious belief, it will truly be the death knell of this nation, for we will be no better than the nations that run their governments based on text supposedly from an invisible supreme being thousands of years old, not documented.  We might as well start praying to trees, rivers and the elk, for those beliefs are just as justified. 
          I don't know who I will vote for ?  But I tell you this, I will not vote for anyone who states they talk to God and God tells them too....( fill in the blank)    And I will not dismiss a candidate because they are  Catholic, Mormon, or Jewish.     

1 comment:

  1. Let's see if this works...
    Francis the 3rd by the way.

    I don't believe in a supreme being either and really have begun to hate religion and view it as a source of division for our world. Like other forms of racism it just makes various groups of people view themselves differently than others and in the worst cases, superior to others.

    I hate this obsession Republicans have with religion – but what scares me more is that people actually care. If you aren’t a god fearing, science hating person then you aren’t a “real” republican. It’s ridiculous. I’m actually sick of all politicians but I just despise the left more than I do the right.

    One thing though - the whole concept of something from nothing. Supposedly Stephen Hawkins has an explanation for this but I haven't read his most recent book and the short version I read online I didn't get. So I use the concept of supreme being as a placeholder to represent something that I cannot explain yet. It's stupid of me and I find it embarrassing and I would like a better answer. How did it all begin? How can something just spontaneously appear from nothing?
