Friday, November 4, 2011

          Yesterday was yet another plea by me for you to think before you act.  To take the time to get facts, information before you vote, before you support some position.
           Its natural for the average citizen to believe the people we elect or the people who have moved to positions of power and authority, "think" before acting.  Yet time and time again they open there mouths and prove, us wrong, that they don't think, and that often our elected officials are dumber than the 85 percent dumber than rocks.
             A few months ago the rising star Anthony Wiener,  couldn't remember texting women, simple flirting.  But he could remember an FBI investigation into some one "hacking" his twitter account.
             If you are sending photos of yourself in semi dressed photos, don't you believe you would remember this ?
               Now we have Candidate Cain, not remembering giving several women several thousand dollars rather than go to court.   This would mean  A)  he has to pay off people rather than go to court so often that the sexual harassment  has been forgotten.
     B) he has so much money a  few thousand dollars doesn't mean much to him
    C) He is facing court appearances so often that  2 or 3 events have faded in his memory
    D) He is a lying sack of sh...   trying to weasel his why out of an embarrassing situation
     E) all of the above
     Both case prove the stupidity of potential people of power.   Had Either of them, just come clean, and stated it was a dumb moment in their lives, real sorry, never happen again ( until next time) , I would bet any amount their campaigns would have moved forward.  Yes there would be some people with moral indignation, but those are the fringe folk any way, neither of the candidates would get them.
          Hey lets look at global stupidity.   We have our own government bailing out banks but not stipulating ..." We are loaning you money so you can loan the people money to pay down there loans and keep the money moving"  Nope neither Obama or Bush could put that math equations together.
          Recently we had ex Governor of New Jersey  Corzine   sink a successful government by over extending in foreign bonds.  Now this is while the global economy is tanking. Its not like this was a mystery, you and I knew about it, so a big shot financial wizard who has access to inside information should have realized that the European Economy isn't much better than our own. 
        We have the Greek Government, bailed out twice already, rioting citizens in the street angry over the measures necessary to economically recover, but the Prime Minister figures this is something to put to a vote.
         Should we take the money from Germany and France or not.   Which really meant, " I don't have the balls to decide, let me blame the ordinary citizens this way I still look good"
          I once did a satire on  Wall Street:   40, 000 years ago, on the great plains a herd of buffalo munching the spring grass and just talking among themselves.  You figure they have been around for Milena and know what they are doing.... so lets listen in on a couple of  buffalo drinking buddies
Burt:   Hey  Nog, good grass here, right
Nog:   yea...snarg sure can pick the spot
Burt:  Yes, better than yesterdays grass, that was kinda dry, hey did you hear, Gnu thought he saw a lion in the bushes two days ago?
Nog.  A lion, why didn't he say something
Burt:  He wasn't sure, and didn't want to start a panic
Snerf:  WHAT LION, WHERE, ???
Burt:  two days ago.. in
Harvey : LION  RUN FOR YOU LIVES !!!!!!
Snerf:    Everyone this way !!!!
so the stamped starts,  hundreds if not thousands of buffalo running full speed

Burt: hu hu ( breathing heavy )  why are we running hu hu ?
Nog:  Harvey spotted a lion .  hu hu hu
Burt,  But isn't that the cliffs ahead hu hu
Nog:   Yes, but there might be a lion back in those hu hu

Burt and Nog are survived by a  Vivian Buffalo and 4 small calf's.

I like this story, it reminds me of wall street, the commodity market, much of our human endeavors.  And when you get into the truth about how markets actually do move, often it is based on the same logic as my fictitious herd of buffalo.    If you think I'm joking, you have to read how these decisions are made.
     I to had faith in these folks working in these positions.  But something didn't seem right, so I started looking into certain information that was being given.  So called reasons for the market to move.
They didn't make sense.   Well not always  but often the reasons the markets move make less sense than the potential lion in the bushes.  At least Nog , and Burt  had the excuse of a brain pan about 75 percent smaller than ours.

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