Thursday, November 3, 2011

The short of it.

Today's, blog is short  and simple.   If you are counting on politicians and the people in power to lead us into better times, you are in for a disappointment.
          Not until the majority of  us, the average person,  changes how we deal with the world and the issues we live with, can people who claim to lead, actually do anything worth a damn.
          WE, you and I have created a monster, with our leadership.  Governments, that govern for the good of ALL the population, need to compromise.  Its a fact.   You have to reach a point that a given set of rules, helps as many people as possible.  Than you look at the people not added by the first rule, and set up rule 2 to help them, and so on.
           At one time money and power was a goal, admit it, the majority of people wanted at the very least a share of both.   But now we have allowed power, which gets you access to money and money to become the ruler of us all.  
         You have to have the newest " I PAD"  the newest car, the newest fashion.   To do that you need money, and to get money, you forget about the person next to you.   ( Ok this is a whole series of blogs, but it is a bases of what is going on, if you don't believe me, just check the latest news, about jobs  leaving China because its to costly)
           What it means is, we have leveraged our leaders to focus on the same thing.  Some where as we became adults, we thought, " Well we can be power or money hungry, but our president or representatives will maintain the balance and do the right thing "
           How is that working for ya ?
             This is way I started this blog, ( yes I know I said this already)   You need to understand, we as a species like easy paths, "85 percent of the worlds population is dumber than a box of rocks with 5 percent dumber than that "  we including our leaders, or elected officials will also take the easiest path in decision making open to them.
         They  rationalize,  A)  We are representatives,
                                     B) we need to get elected to represent our society
                                     C) to get elected we need money to get our message out
                                     D) To get that money, its ok to make deals with people who have money and I will protect my constituents after I'm elected.
                                    E) Oh well we need more money to stay in power, so maybe just a few more deals and I can stay honest ?
Than there are the leaders, the alpha types who think like this :
A)  I got mine, the money the power, screw the rest of the population lets party !
                 We created this, it took thousand of years, and we refined it to the point that officials start running for office AGAIN  a few months after they get into office.
                  To fix this will require work.   WE  you and I have to find people who look like they still care about all of us.  Those willing to think rationally and make fair deals that benefit our society.  Than we have to  contact and support these people.
                Like I said, it will take work, we need to stop supporting people who don't care about YOU or I .
Including companies.   ( oh hurt business, job looses oh oh ??? )  Do you think those companies care about you or I besides beyond how much money we spend on there product.    Time to see what those companies want, what do they support.    I am not so naive as to think we can stop buying items or services, but we can say no to many things.   Let companies know, if  You  the Corporation ( which according to Congress is a person, gee I wonder if a corporation can marry a same sex corporation now?)   Any way, if they support something contrary to what we want, than we can fight back with our wallets.
             Its not fun  ladies and gentlemen, but it is our survival.  Or we can role over and continue to let greed run our governments.  This is a world wide issue, and we do have a means of fighting back.   We can communicate with people across the planet,  lets start the discussions, and decide how we will LEGALLY  fight back. 
           For right now, flood the halls of congress with emails and letters to  compromise.  taxes and cut backs now.   Fair Taxation and Fair  Reduction in Entitlement programs Now.  Lets make Tee shirts  ( FTFREP NOW  sounds like  fetrep.  )  We can make the TEE Shirts in  Cambodia, in one of the sweat shops where they use children for  10  cents a shirt  using toxic inks and recycled cloth  made from used hospital bandages. and  sell the shirts  for  20 dollars, using our profits to buy a congress person and maybe a couple of judges  because they come cheaper by the dozen, open a shadow company off shore so we don't have to pay taxes on the shirts, hey this can work ?

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